Biography of William James of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Well known and remembered among El Monte pioneers for his refined dignity, and also for his unusual knowledge of the early history of California, was William James.  While not a long and continuous resident of El Monte, he was widely known throughout the district having lived here at different times during his eventful life. Born in 1844, a native of the state of Arkansas, his father was John M. James, a native of Tennessee and his mother Margaret (Johnson) James of Kentucky, a relative of the oft-mentioned William Johnson, captain of a wagon train coming to El Monte in 1852. When but … Read more

Biography of Albert H. Hoyt of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Albert H. Hoyt, one of the California pioneers of 1849 and for more than forty-five years, a resident of El Monte, was closely identified with its marvelous growth and prosperity.  He was a native of New York, dating his birth in Orange County, in 1830.  His parents were Reverend Albert and Gertrude (Lawrence) Hoyt, both natives of New York. In February 1849, Mr. Hoyt embarked on board the bark Clarisa Perkins, for the Golden State.  He was one of a company of 120 men who had chartered that vessel for voyage around cape Horn to San Francisco.  The vessel left New … Read more

Biography of Robert Hicks of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Robert Hicks, successful farmer and long-time resident of El Monte, was born in the Ozark, Franklin County, Arkansas, January 12, 1856.  He is the son of Robert and Abigail Hicks, the father being a native of Kentucky and the mother from Alabama.  The parents settled in Arkansas in 1854 where they engaged in farming during their entire lifetime. Mr. Hicks was educated in the public schools of his local community, later attending White Oak Academy, near Ozark.  He remained with his parents until after reaching his majority, following which for a number of years he followed farming in his native county.  … Read more

Biography of Fernando C. Herbert of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Successful as a horticulturist and prominent in the early growth and development of El Monte and vicinity, Fernando C. Herbert is also a liberal contributor to the movements of general uplift to the community. Mr. Herbert was born in Hempstead County, Arkansas, October 9, 1862.  His father, educated for a medical doctor but preferring the life of a farmer, which occupation he followed, was F.C. Herbert, Sr., a native of Tennessee.  The mother was in maidenhood Miss Anna Deavenport, also born in Tennessee.  The father died in 1868, leaving the widow and seven children, the subject of this review being the … Read more

Biography of John Hayes of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

A successful farmer, teacher and walnut grower, who pioneered with the early settlers of El Monte, and vicinity, was John Hayes.  Born in Ireland in 1836, Mr. Hayes came to America and California in 1868 from Australia, where for a number of years, he had served the British government as a surveyor.  For a number of years, immediately following his arrival in California, Mr. Hayes was likewise employed by the Southern Pacific Railway as a surveyor. In 1878 he came to El Monte and engaged in teaching – his services being used in the El Monte, Bogdale (now Temple), and … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Hartle of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Charles H. Hartle, an early resident of El Monte, was born November 19, 1827, in Rootstown, Cortage County, Ohio.  His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, where they engaged in farming.  Charles H. was educated in the local public schools, and later upon reaching his majority he went to Peru, Massachusetts.  Soon afterward he settled in Ravenna, Ohio, where he engaged in the hotel business.  In 1864,he moved to Masillon, Ohio, were he followed the general mercantile business. Mr. Hartle came to California in 1885, first stopping at Riverside.  In 1886 he came to El Monte and immediately leased a tract of … Read more

Biography of J. C. Hannon of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

J.C. Hannon was born in England in 1828, and came to the United States with his parents five years later.  The family settled in Ohio where his parents remained the rest of their lives.  In 1859, J.C. Hannon started westward across the plains, and after spending four years in Nevada, he came to California and made his home in San Jose, where he married Elizabeth Carr. In 1869, he moved to Los Angeles County and settled on 160 acres, two miles northwest of El Monte.  He was elected County Supervisor in 1876, and served eight years.  He also served as deputy … Read more

Biography of John T. Haddox of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

John T. Haddox was among the early merchants of El Monte.  His store was centrally located and was well fitted and stocked as a representative country general store.  Mr. Haddox also combined the real estate and insurance business with his enterprise, and was the agent of E.J. Baldwin in his land sales.  A brief resume of his life and association with the industries of the San Gabriel Valley is as follows: He was a native of Hancock County, Ohio, dating his birth in 1858.  His father, Jacob Haddox, was a native of that State, but a descendant of an old … Read more

Biography of John Guess of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

One of the oldest settlers in the vicinity of El Monte was John Guess, who lived on mile west of the city and successfully engaged in general farming and stock raising.  Mr. Guess came to California in October 1852, as a pioneer, and witnessed and participated in the development and upbuilding of this community.  He was a native of the South, born in Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas, March 28, 1827.  His father, Joseph, was born in the east and became an early resident of Arkansas, where he engaged in farming throughout his active life.  His death occurred from cholera in … Read more

Biography of Henry Guess of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

A native son, pioneer and son of a pioneer of El Monte and vicinity, Henry Guess, bears the added honor of being the first American white child born in Los Angeles County.  His parents were John and Harriet (Holifield) Guess, both natives of Arkansas who came to California by ox-team in 1852.  A sketch of John Guess and his parents is given elsewhere in this volume. Henry Guess was born January 14, 1853 on the old Lugo Ranch, a few miles southwest of El Monte.  He attended the first public school in El Monte, located in what is now the Rio … Read more