California Genealogy Societies

Genealogy and Historical Societies often have a wealth of information. Many provide these services free while others charge a minimal amount. When asking for help, please don’t ask them to search for every Surname you are researching.

California State Society

California Ethnic and Regional Societies

Local California Societies

2 thoughts on “California Genealogy Societies”

  1. The US World War One Centennial Commission is offering a downloadable guide on World War I Genealogy Research Guide: Tracing American Military and Non-Combatant Ancestors. Just passing the information along, 06-12-2019.

  2. I’m researching relatives who lived in Susanville, Lassen county. What resources are there to help me. In particular, births, deaths and burials. I live in Vermont so any help is appreciated!!
    Stephanie Solt


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