Biography of George Harvey Clark

Title Page vol 1 The New California

George Harvey Clark, who is engaged in the undertaking business in Sacramento, was born April 24, 1864, in Florin, Sacramento county, his parents being J. Frank and Dilly A. (Lowell) Clark, both of whom were natives of the Empire state. The father came to California in 1852, crossing the plains with an ox team and locating at Florin, nine miles from the city of Sacramento. He was an expert accountant, but after coming to the west he abandoned his profession and tuned his attention to agricultural pursuits. He was also secretary of the Capital Woolen Mills and later engaged in … Read more

Biography of Frederick Conrad Chinn

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Frederick Conrad Chinn, of Sacramento, is a man who entered upon a special business career with large ideas and ambitions for the future. Now at the age of thirty-four years he has what is probably the largest optical business in the United States, having retail stores in several California cities, and daily extending his trade into new sections. Mr. Chinn unites with professional zeal the executive and organizing ability of a captain of industry, and has built up in an incredibly short time an enterprise which is well known in business circles throughout the country, and of which he is … Read more

Biography of Alden W. Campbell

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Whether the elements of success in life are innate attributes of the individual, or whether they are quickened by a process of circumstantial development, it is impossible to clearly determine. Yet the study of a successful life is none the less profitable by reason of the existence of this uncertainty, and in the majority of cases it is found that exceptional ability, amounting to genius, perhaps, was the real secret of the pre-eminence which many envied. So it appears to the student of human nature who seeks to trace the history of the rise of Alden W. Campbell, a typical … Read more

Biography of Charles O. Busick

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Charles O. Busick, one of the prominent young attorneys of Sacramento, being associated with J. W. S. Butler, at 426 1/2 J street, is a lawyer to unusual ability, legal acumen and skills, and since his admission to the bar in 1898 has risen rapidly in public favor and vonfidence and taken rank among the leading men of his profession in the city. His career has been one of self-achievement, and he may be proud that he has by his own efforts advanced from one stepping stone of progress to another, and yet is still only a young man and … Read more

Biography of John J. Buckley

Title Page vol 1 The New California

John J. Buckley, who is engaged in the abstract business, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, October 1, 1854, his father, Patrick J., and mother, Mary M. Buckley, both natives of Ireland, being now deceased. A brother, Henry L. Buckley, who died September 2, 1898, was born in Boston in 1855; his education was acquired in the public schools of Sacramento and he began his education was acquired in the public schools of Sacramento and he began business life as a clerk in the motive power and machinery department of the shops of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company under A. J. … Read more

Biography of Morris Brooke

Morris Brooke

Morris Brooke, supervisor for the fourth district and engaged in the real estate and insurance business at Sacramento, is one of the most energetic, enterprising and successful young business men of this section of the state. He has been identified with the agricultural, commercial and political interests of the state since he was a boy of sixteen years, and it seems that he has always possessed an open sesame to unlock the doors of success in every enterprise that he has undertaken. As a legislator and a member of various important public bodies he has been a constant agitator and … Read more

Biography of William Ellery Briggs, M. D.

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Dr. William Ellery Briggs is engaged in the practice of medicine at Sacramento, limiting his practice to the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. The world instinctively pays deference to the man whose success has been worthily achieved, and because of his capability, close application, devoted attention to his profession and his strict regard for the ethics of the medical science Dr. Briggs receives this deference and respect from his fellow men. He is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Wadsworth, Medina county, on the 31st of March, 1853. His father, Abiel Briggs, … Read more

Biography of Louis F. Breuner

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Louis F. Breuner has for fifteen years been closely identified with the business interests of Sacramento, and is one of the best known and one of the most progressive and enterprising men of that city. anyone acquainted with the business interests or the material improvements of the city within the last few years could point out numerous instances where Mr. Breuner’s individuality and energy have left a permanent impress for welfare and upbuilding. K Street, on which his principal business interests are centered, is almost a monument to his business acumen and foresight, and the fact that it is the … Read more

Biography of Joseph Charles Boyd

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Joseph Charles Boyd, who is filling the position of county surveyor of Sacramento county, has in the line of his profession controlled many engineering projects which have been of much value to central California. He has attained precedence of many in his profession, having won an enviable position through marked ability and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the great scientific principles which must underlie all practical and successful work in this direction. Mr. Boyd is a native son of San Francisco, his birth having occurred on the 19th of February, 1864. James L. Boyd, his father, was born in … Read more

Biography of Warren O. Bowers

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Warren O. Bowers, who is known everywhere in Sacramento and pretty well throughout the state as Jo Bowers, is one of the two living pioneer hotel men of this city, where he has been a resident since 1873. He is now proprietor of the Capital Hotel, one of the first-class houses of the city and popular with the traveling public for its fine cuisine and comfortable accommodations. Mr. Bowers, though for so long a citizen of the west and of Sacramento, has had a career of many phases of activity and experience and in various localities of the western world, … Read more