Santa Clara County

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of Alfred Pressly Black

On the roll of capable attorneys at the San Francisco bar appears the name of Alfred Pressly Black, and the extent and importance of his clientage is an indication of the confidence reposed in his professional skills and ability. He was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, November 26, 1856, and is a son of James […]

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History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Biography of Carl F. Arnold of Watsonville California

Carl F. Arnold, whose talents lie along mechanical lines, has worked for many of the leading automobile manufacturers of the country, constantly broadening his knowledge and augmenting his skill, and is now classed with the most successful dealers of Watsonville, where he also operates a well equipped repair shop. Fortune has not always bestowed her

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Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of David Taylor Bateman of Santa Clara County California

David Taylor Bateman, county superintendent of schools of Santa Clara county, is a native of Ohio, born at Hillsboro in Highland county on the 18th of December, 1845, his parents being Daniel S. and Mary L. (King) Bateman. In December, 1886, occurred the marriage of Professor Bateman and Miss Josephine A. Gairand, a native of Santa Clara county and a daughter of Louis A. and Ellen (Barry) Gairand, who were pioneer residents of the Santa Clara valley.

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Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of Eugene Aram of Sacramento, California

Eugene Aram, a prominent lawyer of Sacramento, is certainly one of the very oldest living native sons of California, with whose business, professional and political affairs he has been identified to a degree most honorable and creditable to an eldest son. He was born at Monterey, in what is now the state of California, on January 26, 1848. Mr. Aram was married in 1875 to Miss Lizzie Jasper, a daughter of J. M. C. Jasper, of Wheatland, Yuba county.

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