Biography of Ralph Thomsen of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

A contractor whose success is the clearest evidence of his ability and worth is Ralph Thomsen, of 330 California street, Salinas, in which city, as well as in other parts of Monterey county, he has established for himself a reputation for dependability. He makes a specialty of interior and exterior decorating, is well-informed as to both the latest art standards and styles and the trade conditions, and he has original ideas that afford pleasure to those wishing for the best and also desiring the charm of the unusual, approved by the most discriminating taste. Mr. Thomsen was born at Salinas, … Read more

Biography of James William Ives of Los Banos

1925 History of Merced County - title page

We may respect the reticence of a modest man with regard to his good deeds, but it is right for the public to know something of them as it is a great stimulus to others to emulate his example. When any one begins at the bottom and builds up a successful business, triumphing over adverse conditions and becomes a public benefactor, it is of general interest and benefit to know how it was accomplished. James William Ives was born on June 3, 1874, in Alameda County, California, a son of James H. and Emma J. (Adamson) Ives. Up to twelve … Read more