Biography of Thomas Blackstone Rector of Atwater

1925 History of Merced County - title page

A successful rancher and business man of Merced County is Thomas Blackstone Rector, a native son of the State, born in Merced County near Hopeton, on February 10, 1863, the second son and child of Elbridge Gerry and Amanda (McFarlane) Rector, pioneers of California, the former now deceased but the latter is a resident of Berkeley and at the age of ninety-four is in possession of all her faculties and enjoys life to its full. After finishing his school work, Thomas B. Rector was employed on his father’s ranch until he accepted a position as clerk at Snelling with Simon-Jacobs … Read more

Biography of Henry Nelson of Merced

Henry Nelson

Among the best-known of the old-timers now living in Merced is Henry Nelson, whose memory carries him back to the earliest days in the forming of the county, and who is able to recount the happenings of those early days when a “man was a man” and stood upon his own feet. Mr. Nelson was born in Frederickton, New Brunswick, on August 17, 1844, the son of William and Anna C. (Campbell) Nelson. The former died in May, 1896, at Sonora, and the latter in September, 1895, at Merced Falls; both are buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Snelling. … Read more

Biography of Peter J. Wolfsen of Merced

1925 History of Merced County - title page

A native son of California, born near Oleta, Amador County, on August 8, 1866, Peter J. Wolfsen is the eldest of nine children born to Henry C. and Amelia (Howell) Wolfsen, pioneers of that county. Henry C. Wolfsen was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and came to California during the Gold Rush, via the Panama route. He engaged in work, first in the Southern Mines, later in the silver mines in Nevada, and also in sawmill work, finally devoting his whole energies to agriculture. In the fall of 1875, he moved to Merced County, and located on the old Crawford ranch, … Read more