Biography of Dr. S. M. Archer of Salinas

Dr. S. M. Archer is not only an eminent physician and genial gentleman, but one of the landmarks of Monterey County, having resided here since 1869. He is forty-two years old and came to California in 1868, from Louisville, Kentucky. He comes from a long line of American ancestors, the first of whom were early colonial settlers in Virginia and Maryland. At a later date members of the family participated in the wars of the Revolution and 1812, and in the early Indian wars, many of them filling important positions in the army and Government. Among Dr. Archer’s ancestors is … Read more

Biography of John K. Alexander of Salinas

Judge John K Alexander

Judge John K. Alexander, born in 1839 in Mississippi and later brought to California, exemplified the ideal jurist, valuing impartiality, integrity, and a serious commitment to law. After studying law, he began his practice in 1862 and formed significant partnerships, including with his mentor, Geo. R. Moore. Elected District Attorney, he later became Superior Judge in 1879 at the request of a diverse group of citizens. Renowned for few reversals of his judgments, his legal writings were praised for clarity. Married in 1865, he had two sons and stayed engaged in community and Masonic activities, receiving an LL.D. in 1888.

Biography of Francis A. Abbott of Salinas

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Prominent among the public officials in Monterey county, is Francis A. Abbott, city treasurer and tax collector of Salinas. He is influential in commercial and financial circles, and may be credited with contributing effectively in a sound and permanent way toward the rapid and steady development of this promising section of the great Golden state. A native son always proud of his association with the California commonwealth, Frank Abbott was born at Point Reyes, Marin county, March 16, 1862, the son of Carlisle S. and Alice Elizabeth (Merriman) Abbott, both natives of Ontario, and now deceased. Twice the father made … Read more

1883 Pensioners – Monterey County, California

List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883 – Giving the Name of Each Pensioner, the Cause for Which Pensioned, the Post-Office Address, and the Date of Original Allowance, United States Pension Bureau Senate – Executive Document 84, Parts 1-5. This list is taken from the official Pension Roll of 1883, the major genealogical source for Civil War and War of 1812 pensioners. Pensioners are listed by post office address, and in no apparent order after that. No. ofcertifi-cate. Last nameof pensioner First nameof pensioner Post-officeaddress Cause for which pensioned Monthlyrate Date oforiginalallowance. 3847 Doud Francis Monterey g.s.w.tibia $8.00 … Read more

Biography of Peter N. Bondesen of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Among the ranchmen and fruit growers in the region about Salinas, few have been more successful in recent years than Peter N. Bondesen. He was born in Denmark, June 8, 1866, and is a son of Nels and Celia (Smith) Bondesen. His father was a weaver by trade and in his boyhood Peter attended the local schools, where he picked up the rudiments of a practical education. When he was fifteen years of age he came to America alone and went directly to the home of his brother, Hans Bondesen, in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. For some time he worked as a … Read more

Biography of C. J. Giacomazzi of Soledad California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few men only thirty-four years of age can look back upon a more varied career than can C. J. Giacomazzi, editor and publisher of the Soledad Bee. He was born in Soledad, November 20, 1890, and is the third in order of birth in the family of four children born to Con and Sarah ( Serafina) Giacomazzi, both of whom were born in Switzerland and came to America in 1870. They first located at Watsonville, California, and in 1885 came to Soledad. For many years the father was a rancher on a rather extensive scale but retired in 1910 and … Read more

Biography of Milton W. Austin of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Milton W. Austin is proprietor of the Austin Drug Store of Salinas, his experience, enterprise and desire to please, as well as the fact that he carries a complete stock, have made the place the preferred headquarters for many. Mr. Austin is a native of Salinas, having been born here August 6, 1900, and has grown up in the spirit of the town and county. His parents were Horace W. and Carlotta (Smith) Austin and the paternal grandfather was Amos Austin, a railroad engineer who resided in Salinas and in later years located in Los Angeles, where he engaged in … Read more

Biography of Ralph Thomsen of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

A contractor whose success is the clearest evidence of his ability and worth is Ralph Thomsen, of 330 California street, Salinas, in which city, as well as in other parts of Monterey county, he has established for himself a reputation for dependability. He makes a specialty of interior and exterior decorating, is well-informed as to both the latest art standards and styles and the trade conditions, and he has original ideas that afford pleasure to those wishing for the best and also desiring the charm of the unusual, approved by the most discriminating taste. Mr. Thomsen was born at Salinas, … Read more

Biography of Ed. J. Torres of Watsonville California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Many of the most important positions in business circles of Watsonville are filled by young men, and their enterprise, sagacity and loyalty promise well for the future of the city. In this classification belongs Ed. J. Torres, who is manager of the Union Ice Company, and his success has resulted from hard work, devotion to duty and the ability to meet and master situations. He was born October 8, 1897, in Monterey, in the county of that name, and is a scion of one of the oldest families of California. He is a son of Joseph and Mary (Diez) Torres, … Read more

Biography of Henry Nelson of Merced

Henry Nelson

Among the best-known of the old-timers now living in Merced is Henry Nelson, whose memory carries him back to the earliest days in the forming of the county, and who is able to recount the happenings of those early days when a “man was a man” and stood upon his own feet. Mr. Nelson was born in Frederickton, New Brunswick, on August 17, 1844, the son of William and Anna C. (Campbell) Nelson. The former died in May, 1896, at Sonora, and the latter in September, 1895, at Merced Falls; both are buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Snelling. … Read more