Biography of A. Early Averrett of Soledad

Batalla de Monterey

A. Early Averrett, senior member of the firm of Averrett & Stephens, dealers in general merchandise at Soledad, is a native of the State of Georgia, where he was born on the thirteenth day of November, ’45. At the age of seven years, he moved with his parents to Alabama, where he remained until he was twenty-three years old, when he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama, arriving in San Francisco in June, 1868. He went to Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, and entered the mercantile house of A. Lewis & Co., as salesman, which position he occupied seven … Read more

Biography of C. J. Giacomazzi of Soledad California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few men only thirty-four years of age can look back upon a more varied career than can C. J. Giacomazzi, editor and publisher of the Soledad Bee. He was born in Soledad, November 20, 1890, and is the third in order of birth in the family of four children born to Con and Sarah ( Serafina) Giacomazzi, both of whom were born in Switzerland and came to America in 1870. They first located at Watsonville, California, and in 1885 came to Soledad. For many years the father was a rancher on a rather extensive scale but retired in 1910 and … Read more