Biography of Michael P. Nirich of Watsonville California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Michael P. Nirich, chief of the Watsonville Fire Department, is doing valuable work for his city and displays rare qualities as a public official. He was born at Lead, South Dakota, March 26, 1890, and is a son of Paul P. and Lucille Nirich, natives of Dalmatia. In 1895 the family came to Watsonville, and the father embarked in the fruit-packing business, with which he was connected for many years, gaining a substantial competence which now enables him to live retired, but the mother is deceased. Michael P. Nirich was but five years old when his parents came to Watsonville … Read more

Biography of Julian Laporte of Watsonville California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Julian Laporte, a well known and substantial dairyman and landowner living off the Beach road in the immediate vicinity of Watsonville, has developed a good piece of property there and is regarded as one of the progressive and dependable citizens of that community. Though not an American by birth he has been a resident of this country since the days of his young manhood and is as much an American in his feelings toward the glory and well being of this country as any can be and has done his part in local development work. In addition to his holdings … Read more