Biography of John J. Buckley

John J. Buckley, who is engaged in the abstract business, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, October 1, 1854, his father, Patrick J., and mother, Mary M. Buckley, both natives of Ireland, being now deceased. A brother, Henry L. Buckley, who died September 2, 1898, was born in Boston in 1855; his education was acquired in the public schools of Sacramento and he began his education was acquired in the public schools of Sacramento and he began business life as a clerk in the motive power and machinery department of the shops of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company under A. J. Stevens. Later he occupied a clerical position in the office of Judge A. C. Hinkson, who was city superintendent of schools, and subsequently he studied law in the office of Armstrong & Hinkson and was admitted to the bar. He was a well known lawyer and judge and was credited with being one of the best criminal lawyers of the city. He was himself of a sensitive and modest disposition and ever resorted to abuse in the trial of a case, but presented his side in the strong clear light of reasoning and sound logical principles. In March, 1878, he was elected city attorney and made an enviable record in that office. In 1879 he was chosen by popular suffrage to the position of district attorney for a term of three years, and in 1884 was again elected, serving for two years at that time. In 1887 he was elected police judge and occupied the position for two terms, covering four years. Later he was assistant district attorney under District Attorney Ryan, and in 1892 was again elected police judge, holding that position until it was abolished under the new charter. He was a popular citizen, having many warm friends in Sacramento, and at his death the Sacramento County Bar Association adopted resolutions of respect to the memory of the deceased. There were also two daughters in the Buckley family, Miss Mamie Buckley and Mrs. J. F. McCracken, of San Francisco.

John J. Buckley was brought to California in his early boyhood days and pursued his early education in the common schools of Sacramento. He was afterward employed as a fireman by the Central pacific Railroad Company, now the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, acting in that capacity for five years. On the expiration of that period he left that employ and took up the study of law in the office of Judge J. H. McKune, D. W. Welty. He afterward became searcher of records with A. C. Freeman, attorney at law, a member of the constitutional convention and also a code commissioner. An inclination for political life, however, resulted in the election of Mr. Buckley to the office of city assessor of Sacramento in March, 1883, and he acted continuously in that capacity until January, 1894, when the office of city assessor was consolidated with city auditor under the new city charter. At the close of his official career he resumed the occupation of abstractor of titles in Sacramento and now devotes his entire attention to that work.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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