Biography of Joseph B. Lauck of San Francisco

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Joseph B. Lauck, born November 27, 1846, in York, Pennsylvania, served as adjutant general of California under Governor Pardee. After a distinguished Civil War service from 1861 to 1865, Lauck worked for Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads, rising from laborer to conductor. In 1904, he became adjutant general. Lauck was a dedicated Republican and active in the National Guard of California, holding various leadership roles. Married to Carrie H. Stowell in 1878, he had one daughter, Veda B. Lauck was also a Mason, member of the Order of Railway Conductors, and the Grand Army of the Republic.

1883 Pensioners – Marin County, California

List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883 – Giving the Name of Each Pensioner, the Cause for Which Pensioned, the Post-Office Address, and the Date of Original Allowance, United States Pension Bureau Senate – Executive Document 84, Parts 1-5. This list is taken from the official Pension Roll of 1883, the major genealogical source for Civil War and War of 1812 pensioners. Pensioners are listed by post office address, and in no apparent order after that. No. ofcertifi-cate. Last nameof pensioner First nameof pensioner Post-officeaddress Cause for which pensioned Monthlyrate Date oforiginalallowance. 131598 Gude Herman Angel Island loss … Read more

Biography of Henry M. Claussen of Gonzales California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Henry M. Claussen, proprietor of the Alpine Dairy at Gonzales, was born at Point Reyes, Marin county, California, August 15, 1892, a son of Henry M. and Clara (Wallengren) Claussen. The father was a native of Schleswig-Holstein and the mother of Stockholm, Sweden. The subject of this sketch is the third to bear the name, his father and grandfather both having been christened Henry M. The Scandinavian countries have been celebrated in song and story for the skill and bravery of their sailors. The father became a sailor at an early age and when twenty-one held his certificate as master, … Read more

Biography of Carlisle S. Abbott of Salinas California

Carlisle S. Abbott

Posterity, ever desirous of doing honor to all those who, by their lives and works, have made the world so much the better for their having toiled within it, will not soon forget the late Carlisle S. Abbott, the well-known California pioneer and the father of Harvey E. Abbott, whose biography is briefly presented elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Abbott was born on the shores of Lake Memphremagog, twelve miles north of the line between Canada and Vermont, on February 26, 1828, and he was therefore a native of Ontario, while his parents were natives of Connecticut. On March 3, … Read more