1883 Pensioners – Monterey County, California

List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883 – Giving the Name of Each Pensioner, the Cause for Which Pensioned, the Post-Office Address, and the Date of Original Allowance, United States Pension Bureau Senate – Executive Document 84, Parts 1-5. This list is taken from the official Pension Roll of 1883, the major genealogical source for Civil War and War of 1812 pensioners. Pensioners are listed by post office address, and in no apparent order after that. No. ofcertifi-cate. Last nameof pensioner First nameof pensioner Post-officeaddress Cause for which pensioned Monthlyrate Date oforiginalallowance. 3847 Doud Francis Monterey g.s.w.tibia $8.00 … Read more

Biography of Peter N. Bondesen of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Among the ranchmen and fruit growers in the region about Salinas, few have been more successful in recent years than Peter N. Bondesen. He was born in Denmark, June 8, 1866, and is a son of Nels and Celia (Smith) Bondesen. His father was a weaver by trade and in his boyhood Peter attended the local schools, where he picked up the rudiments of a practical education. When he was fifteen years of age he came to America alone and went directly to the home of his brother, Hans Bondesen, in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. For some time he worked as a … Read more

Biography of George Harper of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

George Harper, the superintendent and secretary of the Monterey Canning- Company, of Monterey is an experienced, progressive and thoroughly wide-awake executive. He was born in the Shetland islands, off the coast of Scotland, June 7, 1870, the son of Lawrence and Elizabeth (Ellison) Harper, worthy folks now long deceased. Having to make his own way in the world rather earlier than most boys, George Harper was trained for the most part in the school of experience. He was reared on a farm and after the manner of the Shetland Islanders, devoted not a little of his time as a boy … Read more

Biography of C. J. Giacomazzi of Soledad California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few men only thirty-four years of age can look back upon a more varied career than can C. J. Giacomazzi, editor and publisher of the Soledad Bee. He was born in Soledad, November 20, 1890, and is the third in order of birth in the family of four children born to Con and Sarah ( Serafina) Giacomazzi, both of whom were born in Switzerland and came to America in 1870. They first located at Watsonville, California, and in 1885 came to Soledad. For many years the father was a rancher on a rather extensive scale but retired in 1910 and … Read more

Biography of Frank Hellam of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Frank Hellam is a wholesale and retail dealer in candies and tobacco, enjoying a substantial and growing business at 404 Alvarado Street, Monterey. He is a native of Michigan, born at Pontiac, September 13, 1869, the son of John and Fannie (Woodhull) Hellam, the former a brick-mason who came to California in 1881 with his son Frank and settled at Monterey. Later the family removed to Shasta county but after twenty years returned to Monterey, where Mrs. Hellam passed away in 1922. Mr. Hellam, having built many of the fine residences here, at last retired, and is now enjoying a … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Bentley of Seaside California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few, if any, business establishments of Monterey county have rendered a greater service to the community in which they have operated than that of Bentley & Son, so ably represented by the senior partner, Joseph E. Bentley, of Seaside. A native of the metropolis, New York city, he was born on the 4th of January, in the centennial year of the Republic, and his parents were Michael O. and Jennie A. (Osborne) Bentley. The mother’s ancestors landed at Plymouth Rock, and one of her forbears bought and fitted out the Mayflower. The father was a physician. He retired early enough … Read more

Biography of J. C. Falkenberg of King City California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few merchants of Monterey county have been longer in the business or have had a more varied experience than J. C. Falkenberg, president of the King City Mercantile Company. He was born in Denmark in 1864, reared on a farm and received a high school education. When about sixteen years of age he decided to seek his fortune in America. Shortly after landing in this country he found his way to Watsonville, California, and obtained a position as clerk in a store. That was the beginning of his mercantile career. Later he formed a partnership with a Mr. Krogh, his … Read more

Biography of O. G. Lannon, D. C. of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

More to be prized than the lucrative practice with which he has from the start been favored, is the enviable status scientifically of Dr. O. G. Lannon, one of the most progressive representatives of Twentieth Century healing, and in this respect he reflects credit on both the state of his adoption and the city of his birth, Pueblo, Colorado, where he first saw the light on January 9, 1891. He is a son of F. P. and Lucy (Gingell) Lannon, the former a member of the state utility commission of Colorado. Both parents are still living, in the enjoyment of … Read more

Biography of Milton W. Austin of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Milton W. Austin is proprietor of the Austin Drug Store of Salinas, his experience, enterprise and desire to please, as well as the fact that he carries a complete stock, have made the place the preferred headquarters for many. Mr. Austin is a native of Salinas, having been born here August 6, 1900, and has grown up in the spirit of the town and county. His parents were Horace W. and Carlotta (Smith) Austin and the paternal grandfather was Amos Austin, a railroad engineer who resided in Salinas and in later years located in Los Angeles, where he engaged in … Read more

Biography of Matt J. McGowan of Watsonville California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few men in the Watsonville neighborhood have a wider acquaintance than Matt J. McGowan, a substantial rancher in the Trafton district of the Pajaro valley, and few thereabout are held in higher regard, for his good works in the community-have long established him as a real friend to all mankind. Many of the young men in the Watsonville community are proud to look upon Mr. McGowan as a typical “big brother” and his helping hand has been extended in many directions known only to those who have been the immediate beneficiaries of the help thus bestowed. At the time the … Read more