Biography of Charles O. Goold of Carmel California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Among the most progressive leaders in the city council of Carmel-by-the-Sea and always interesting as a pioneer of the sort who contributed something definite in assisting California to emerge from her pioneer state, is Charles O. Goold, well-known banker, who was born on a farm in Henry county, Illinois, November 28, 1871, the son of Horace and Hannah (Gard) Goold, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of Ohio. Six children of their family are still living: Charles O.; J. R. of Morgan Hill, California; Ed O. of San Luis Obispo; Frank H. of Stockton and Mrs. Leo … Read more

Biography of Ed. J. Torres of Watsonville California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Many of the most important positions in business circles of Watsonville are filled by young men, and their enterprise, sagacity and loyalty promise well for the future of the city. In this classification belongs Ed. J. Torres, who is manager of the Union Ice Company, and his success has resulted from hard work, devotion to duty and the ability to meet and master situations. He was born October 8, 1897, in Monterey, in the county of that name, and is a scion of one of the oldest families of California. He is a son of Joseph and Mary (Diez) Torres, … Read more

Biography of Peter Ferrante of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Peter Ferrante, wholesale dealer in fish, at 325 Van Buren street, Monterey, meeting with well deserved success, is a native of sunny Italy. He was born August 4, 1867, the son of Arisimo and Susan Ferrante, the former also a dealer in fish. Both parents are now deceased. Because of financial conditions at home Peter Ferrante had to go to work at the extremely early age of four years, being apprenticed to the fish trade, which he has followed ever since. When twenty-two years of age, he crossed the Atlantic and ultimately reached California, although according to the custom of … Read more

Biography of James M. Mitchell of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

James M. Mitchell, of Monterey, is an enterprising automobile painter who has established a reputation for expertness and artistic taste that is a valuable asset in his business. He was born in Scotland, September 16, 1887, the son of John and Mary (Munroe) Mitchell, good old-fashioned folk who kept up the cheerful tradition of their native land. The father, who was a contractor and builder, died in October, 1924, but the mother is still living. James M. Mitchell attended the schools of Scotland, and afterward was apprenticed for five years to learn the coach painters’ trade. In 1907, he left … Read more

Biography of Joachim G. Weidemann of Bradley California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

If long service in one position is a test of merit and trustworthiness, Joachim G. Weidemann has certainly stood the test. As manager of the Southern Pacific Milling Company at Bradley, California, he is, in point of service, the oldest of about thirty managers along the Coast Division, having occupied this place for thirty-six years. He was born in Norway, on April 10, 1857, and is a son of C. F. and Caroline (Tellesen) Weidemann. His father served for a long time in the Norwegian navy, then became an architect and spent the closing years of his life as a … Read more

Biography of O. B. Petersen of Soledad California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

About seven and a half miles southwest of Soledad are the Paraiso Hot Springs, the history of which dates back to 1791. In that year King Carlos of Spain granted to the Mission la Soledad twenty acres of land including these springs. The priests of the mission established a health resort, to which they gave the name of Eternidad Paraiso, which means Eternal Paradise. Thus, for more than two centuries the healing waters of these springs have been used in the treatment of rheumatism, kidney and stomach troubles and other maladies. O. B. Petersen, the present owner and manager of … Read more

Biography of Frank P. McFadden of Blanco California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Frank P. McFadden, a prominent ranchman near Blanco and supervisor of District No. 2, Monterey county, was born March 17, 1871, a son of Charles and Sophia (Fabry) McFadden. The father was a native of Ireland and the mother a native of Germany. Both came to the United States as young people and were married in this country. Charles McFadden came to California and for some years was engaged in the sawmill business in Santa Cruz. Some time in the ’60s he bought a ranch near Blanco and became one of the substantial citizens, active in local affairs, until his … Read more

Biography of Frederick C. Forbes of King City California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

For three generations the Forbes family has been intimately connected with the development of the country including Monterey county and the surrounding territory. J. Alonzo Forbes, the grandfather of Frederick, was a man of large mining and ranching interests in his day and was interested in various projects for the general welfare. Among other public-spirited actions he gave the land on which Santa Clara College now stands and otherwise assisted that institution in its infancy. His son, also named J. Alonzo, was born in Santa Clara, and grew to manhood on his father’s ranch. Sometime in the ’60s he purchased … Read more

Biography of Alex Richard Underwood of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Alex Richard Underwood, proprietor of the old Central Hotel in Monterey, now operated as the Underwood Hotel, and one of the best known men in western California, is a native son of California and has been a resident of this state all his life, a continuous resident of Monterey for the past quarter of a century. He was born on the great Chupinos ranch, then owned by his father, in the vicinity of Monterey, February 7, 1862, and is a son of Charles and Catherine (Armstrong) Underwood, the latter of whom was a native of Ireland, and they were married … Read more

Biography of La Von E. Gottfried of Carmel California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

La Von E. Gottfried, of the historic mission town of Carmel, is one to whom considerable credit is due for whatever of modern form and spirit now distinguishes the town. He is engaged in the general contracting business and at all times works to improve the appearance of the community as well as advance his own fortunes. He was born on a farm in Ohio, July 12, 1896. His father, Phillip Gottfried, was a farmer, and in the building of a home was ably assisted by his good wife, who, before her marriage was Miss V. B. Ritenour. To the … Read more