Biography of Jose Maria Gil of Jolon California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Don Jose Maria Gil, deceased, was born in Madrid, Spain, December 14, 1821. His father was a native of Scotland, who went to Spain as a young man and married a young Spanish lady of good family. When Jose was about seven years old he came to America with his parents, who settled at Herongariquero, Mexico. At the age of twenty-one years he came to California, some six years before it was annexed to the United States by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican war. Upon the discovery of gold in California in 1849, he, like thousands … Read more

Biography of Joseph N. Hubert of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Joseph N. Hubert, of 417 Pine street, Monterey, is now successfully engaged in business as a painting contractor. He was born on a farm in New Hampshire, October 2, 1857, a son of John G. and Jennie E. (Lowe) Hubert, his father being also a painter. The family came to California in February, 1876, and located at San Francisco, where, the very same year, the father died. The mother still survives him, having now reached the advanced age of ninety years. Joseph N. Hubert attended the public schools of Massachusetts, to which state the family had removed during his boyhood, … Read more

Biography of Carl Husemann of Carmel California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Carl Husemann is proprietor of the Carmel Bakery on Ocean avenue, a favorite rendezvous for housewives and at certain hours of the day one of the busiest marts in town. He was born in Germany July 25, 1880, and while still in his native country, learned the baker’s trade. This he also followed as a journeyman for several years in various parts of the country, working in the best bakeries in many large and representative cities like Berlin. He became an expert in his line long before he was ready to sail to the United States in 1908. At length … Read more

Biography of J. D. Resetylo of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Fashionable Monterey society has owed much to such an experienced and artistic craftsman as J. D. Resetylo, the popular tailor, of 517 Lighthouse avenue, not alone for up-to-date styles, but for perfection in dependable workmanship. He was born in Galicia, in 1886, the son of James and Ahafia (Kaminska) Resetylo. His father, now deceased, came to the United States and remained here for four years. After attending school in romantic Galicia, J. D. Resetylo afterward was apprenticed to learn the tailor’s trade, and this means of livelihood he followed in the old country until he came to America. In 1905 … Read more

Biography of Elmer P. Alexander of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Among the highly influential bankers of California may well be named Elmer P. Alexander, the genial president of the popular Salinas City Bank, with its attractive headquarters at the corner of Main and Gobilan streets. Mr. Alexander was born in Sacramento, June 15, 1871, the son of John K. and Sallie B. (Carothers) Alexander, the former a native of Mississippi, the latter of Illinois; Mr. Alexander having come to California by way of the Isthmus, and Mrs. Alexander by the great trackless plains. John K. Alexander, born at Brandon, Rankin county, Mississippi, in 1839, was reared at Jackson, that state, … Read more

Biography of James G. Force of Monterey County California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Professor James G. Force, whose scholarship, experience and untiring labors constitute him a most efficient county superintendent of schools in Monterey county, was born at Tehamah, Burt County, Nebraska, September 2, 1881, the son of Franklin F. and Jane ( Chapman) Force. His father, a native of Iowa, was a Civil War veteran, who served as a First Lieutenant in Company B., of the Eleventh Iowa Infantry. He was also a Nebraska pioneer. Mrs. Force was a descendant of Governor Ansel Brigg, a native of Vermont who was the first governor of Iowa, serving from 1846 to 1850. She is … Read more

Biography of Leon G. Wolf of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Leon G. Wolf, engaged in the poultry business on Cassanova avenue, Monterey, was born in Germany, March 23, 1882, the son of John and Kate (Gnad) Wolf. His father, who was for forty years connected with the management of the German railways, died in March, 1923, highly esteemed for those virtues for which the sturdy German citizen has always been of value in the world, nor was his devoted wife, when she breathed her last at the age of seventy-six years, less fortunate in the position she occupied in her day and generation. Leon G. Wolf enjoyed the advantages of … Read more

Biography of Philip J. Dougherty of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Philip J. Dougherty, former mayor of the city of Monterey, a member of the directorate of the Chamber of Commerce of that city, for ten years and more a director of the First National Bank of Monterey, proprietor of what is regarded as the most extensive establishment dealing in hay, grain, flour and fuel on the peninsula, is a native son of California, where he has made his home all his life, a resident of Monterey for the past fifteen years, during that time having come to be recognized as one of the leading personal factors in the general development … Read more

Biography of Robert H. Durham & Sons of Plainfield California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

If the visitor to Plainfield, California, should inquire for the largest and best equipped dairy in the locality, he would no doubt be directed to that of R. H. Durham & Sons. R. H. Durham, the head of this prosperous and well managed dairy, was born in Suffolk, England. In the early years of his manhood he was a farmer on the estate of Lord Rendlesom. In 1877 and 1878 he was in Australia and New Zealand. From there he went to the Cape of Good Hope, where he remained for a time, finally returning to England by way of … Read more

Biography of Salvatore Cardinale of Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Salvatore Cardinale, a wholesale dealer in all kinds of fish, on Washington street, Monterey, enjoys a prosperity which he has worked very hard to realize. He was born in Palermo, Sicily, September 4, 1869, the son of Oratizo and Agnes Cardinale, and not only was his father a fisherman but he comes from a long line of the same seafaring men. As a child, he was taken to sea to become familiar with his father’s occupation and hence did not have much chance for schooling. He was wide-awake and observant, however, and in one way or another, picked up a … Read more