San Francisco County

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of John T. Davis

John T. Davis (b. November 1830), a successful capitalist based in San Francisco, is known for his extensive investments in farming across California. Originally from Illinois, Davis relocated to Texas in 1852 before settling in California in 1854. He initially farmed in Tulare and Stockton, later acquiring significant tracts of land in Stanislaus, San Joaquin, and Glenn Counties. By 1872, he leased his properties and focused on overseeing his investments. Married to Mary Marion in 1857, they have one daughter, Josephine Eltinge. A dedicated Democrat, Davis has been a notable figure in California’s development from its early days.

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Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of General John H. Dickinson of San Francisco

General John H. Dickinson (b. April 8, 1849) was a prominent figure in San Francisco’s legal history, having started his law practice in 1873. Born in Parkersburg, Virginia, he moved to California as an infant with his father, a merchant and pioneer. Dickinson self-studied law while teaching at St. Augustine’s College in Benicia. He joined the National Guard of California in 1871, rising to major general by 1898. Elected as a state senator in 1879, he also served Marin and Contra Costa counties. Married to Annie Shipman in 1875, he had one son, Reginald. Dickinson was active in Masonic circles and a dedicated Republican.

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Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of Joseph Charles Boyd

Joseph Charles Boyd, who is filling the position of county surveyor of Sacramento county, has in the line of his profession controlled many engineering projects which have been of much value to central California. He has attained precedence of many in his profession, having won an enviable position through marked ability and a thorough and

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Title Page vol 1 The New California

Biography of Alfred Pressly Black

On the roll of capable attorneys at the San Francisco bar appears the name of Alfred Pressly Black, and the extent and importance of his clientage is an indication of the confidence reposed in his professional skills and ability. He was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, November 26, 1856, and is a son of James

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History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Biography of Joachim G. Weidemann of Bradley California

If long service in one position is a test of merit and trustworthiness, Joachim G. Weidemann has certainly stood the test. As manager of the Southern Pacific Milling Company at Bradley, California, he is, in point of service, the oldest of about thirty managers along the Coast Division, having occupied this place for thirty-six years.

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Holman's Department Store

Biography of Luther R. Holman of Pacific Grove California

Californians have never failed to accord proper esteem and praise to those sturdy, progressive forerunners who did so much to lay the foundations broad and well for all who should come after, nor will the Golden state soon forget such men as the late Luther R. Holman, who passed away April 20, 1909. He was

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History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Biography of W. F. Beasley of King City California

W. F. Beasley, veteran California hotel man is senior member of the firm of W. F. Beasley & Son, proprietors of the widely known popular Hotel el Camino Real in King City, Monterey county, pronounced by competent judges and the general run of the tourist population of this section of the state to be the

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History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Biography of J. D. Resetylo of Monterey California

Fashionable Monterey society has owed much to such an experienced and artistic craftsman as J. D. Resetylo, the popular tailor, of 517 Lighthouse avenue, not alone for up-to-date styles, but for perfection in dependable workmanship. He was born in Galicia, in 1886, the son of James and Ahafia (Kaminska) Resetylo. His father, now deceased, came

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History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Biography of Robert R. Diaz of King City California

Few men have been more intimately associated with the great cattle interests of California than Robert R. Diaz. He was born in the city of San Francisco, October 3, 1857, of Spanish parents. His father, Thomas Diaz, was born at Santiago, Chili, and his mother, whose maiden name was Maria Torres, was also a Chilean,

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