Biography of Adolf Rother of Santa Cruz California

A native of Germany who has become a full-fledged American and enjoys the confidence, esteem and goodwill of his fellow-citizens in this, his adopted country, is Adolf Rother, the proprietor of the “Town Clock Cafe,” at 107 Pacific avenue, Santa Cruz. He was born in Riesengebirge, Germany, August 12, 1881, and when nineteen years-of-age came to America. For a while, he worked in the Hotel Waldorf-by-the-Sea, at Rockaway Beach, Long Island, and later was employed in some of the prominent hotels and leading cafes in New York. For ten years he worked in Achtel Steller’s restaurant, in Newark, New Jersey, one of the best and most successful in that city, and then determined to establish his home on the Pacific coast. In 1919 he came to Santa Cruz, well-equipped with both practical experience and the highest testimonials.

Here Mr. Rother formed a partnership with Anton Suk and they bought the cafe known as the Dabclick Grill, which name they changed to the Town Clock Cafe. The restaurant was located in the Odd Fellows building and the fact that there was a town clock at the top of that structure suggested the later and more popular name. In October, 1923, Mr. Rother purchased his partner’s interest, so that he is now the sole owner, and the cafe has become one of the most popular in Santa Cruz. Mr. Rother, with a keen eye to the anticipated wants of the patrons of the future, has made many improvements in the kitchen equipment. Genuine oil paintings adorn the salon walls and much has been done to beautify the establishment. The cafe is not only an attractive place in which to dine, but the cuisine is excellent, only the best quality of food being served. Fresh vegetables and fish—no cold storage food—and berries in season are some of the attractions of the table, and although Santa Cruz is preeminently a summer resort, the Town Clock Cafe enjoys an enviable patronage both summer and winter, and in turn Santa Cruz is proud of so well-conducted and prosperous a cafe.

Mr. Rother was united in marriage to Matilda Steigmann and they have two children : Olga and Adolf, both born in Newark, New Jersey. Mr. Rother belongs to Santa Cruz Lodge, No. 96, I. O. O. F., and to the Woodmen of the World. He has never had occasion to regret his determination to try his fortune in the new world, for here he found the opportunities he sought and by their utilization has gradually worked his way upward to success.

Source: History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California : cradle of California’s history and romance : dating from the planting of the cross of Christendom upon the shores of Monterey Bay by Fr. Junipero Serra, and those intrepid adventurers who accompanied him, down to the present day. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1925.

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