Biography of Peter Sager of Watsonville California

Among the citizens of foreign nationality whose enterprise, ability and public spirit are essential to Watsonville’s progress and prosperity is numbered Peter Sager, who has served for several years on the board of aldermen and is also a successful business man. He was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, under the Danish flag, on the 23d of July, 1864, and in Glucksberg learned the blacksmith’s trade. He served for three years in the German army as a member of a company of field artillery and in 1892, when twenty-eight years of age, arrived in San Francisco, California. From May to September of that year Mr. Sager worked at his trade in that city as an employee of the Western Sugar Refining Company, and then came to Watsonville, securing a position in the Hobson blacksmith shop. In 1903 he purchased the business in partnership with A. O. Cox, who became the senior member of the firm, and this relationship has since been maintained with mutual advantage. Their shop, situated at No. 170 Main street, is well patronized, for both are expert workmen and thoroughly reliable in all matters of business.

Mr. Sager holds to high ideals in relation to the duties of citizenship, and his identification with public affairs forms one of the chief interests of his life. He was elected alderman of his city in 1913, filling the office for four years, and during that period much constructive work was accomplished. A large amount of street paving was done, sewers were excavated and needed improvements were made in the fire department. It was during this time that the concrete bridge was built across the river and Mr. Sager‘s name, together with those of the other members of the board, is inscribed on the copper plate on that structure. In 1921 he was returned to the office, which he is still filling, and his work in this connection has won for him high encomiums, being characterized by a public-spirited devotion to the general good. He is also one of the energetic workers in the Chamber of Commerce and loses no opportunity to “boost” his city, which he regards as an ideal place of residence. He is an Odd Fellow in high standing and a past captain of the canton.

Mr. Sager was married in Germany in 1890 to Miss Annie Feddersen who was born in that country, and they have become the parents of four children: Arnold, who is engaged in merchandising; Irene, teller in the Pajaros Valley National Bank; Harry, who assists his father in business; and Margaret, who is employed by the Juillard-Cockcuft Company, wholesale grocers of Watsonville. Mr. Sager‘s, devotion to duty, his business probity and his loyalty to his adopted city are well known to every resident of Watsonville and have net with a rich return of personal regard.

Source: History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California : cradle of California’s history and romance : dating from the planting of the cross of Christendom upon the shores of Monterey Bay by Fr. Junipero Serra, and those intrepid adventurers who accompanied him, down to the present day. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1925.

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