Biography of David Burris

Title Page vol 1 The New California

David Burris, whose death occurred at his residence in Sonoma, January 5, 1904, was one of the most highly respected and wealthiest of Sonoma county citizens, and his death closed a long and useful life, many years of which were spent in old Sonoma and other parts of this state. He was prominently connected with financial and business affairs of Sonoma county for half a century, and few men were better known in this section of the state. His name was a synonym for honor and integrity, and he will be long remembered for the public-spirited part he bore in … Read more

Biography of G. P. Burkett

Title Page vol 1 The New California

G. P. Burkett, president of the San Jose Transfer Company, in which connection he has been instrumental in developing a business of profitable proportions, was born in Jefferson, North Carolina, in 1856. His father, Daniel Burkett, was a representative of an old German family, and he married Nancy Johnston, who was descended from Scotch ancestry. Their son, G. P. Burkett, was educated in the public schools of his native state, and in 1876, at the age of twenty years, started out in life on his own account. he followed farming in the state of his nativity until 1879, when he … Read more

Biography of James Herbert Budd

Title Page vol 1 The New California

James Herbert Budd, loyal in citizenship, is one of the distinguished citizens of California whose life record forms an integral part of the history of the state, and his energy and genius have left an impress upon its rapidly developing civilization. He stands as a high type of American manhood, having attained success in his profession which is indicative of close application and superior ability, while at the same time he has found opportunity to devote to the public welfare, to thoroughly inform himself concerning the vital questions and issues of the day and to spread in effective manner those … Read more

Biography of John J. Buckley

Title Page vol 1 The New California

John J. Buckley, who is engaged in the abstract business, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, October 1, 1854, his father, Patrick J., and mother, Mary M. Buckley, both natives of Ireland, being now deceased. A brother, Henry L. Buckley, who died September 2, 1898, was born in Boston in 1855; his education was acquired in the public schools of Sacramento and he began his education was acquired in the public schools of Sacramento and he began business life as a clerk in the motive power and machinery department of the shops of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company under A. J. … Read more

Biography of Thomas M. Brown

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Thomas M. Brown, who since 1877 has continuously filled the position of Sheriff of Humboldt county, is an officer whose record is above reproach and no more incontrovertible proof of his fidelity to duty could be given than the fact that he has been so long retained in the position by popular suffrage. He is, moreover, one of the pioneer settlers of California and in the year 1849 crossed the plains, and his mind therefore bears the impress of the historic annals of the state as it has emerged from primitive conditions and become imbued with all the enterprise, improvements … Read more

Biography of Morris Brooke

Morris Brooke

Morris Brooke, supervisor for the fourth district and engaged in the real estate and insurance business at Sacramento, is one of the most energetic, enterprising and successful young business men of this section of the state. He has been identified with the agricultural, commercial and political interests of the state since he was a boy of sixteen years, and it seems that he has always possessed an open sesame to unlock the doors of success in every enterprise that he has undertaken. As a legislator and a member of various important public bodies he has been a constant agitator and … Read more

Biography of William Ellery Briggs, M. D.

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Dr. William Ellery Briggs is engaged in the practice of medicine at Sacramento, limiting his practice to the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. The world instinctively pays deference to the man whose success has been worthily achieved, and because of his capability, close application, devoted attention to his profession and his strict regard for the ethics of the medical science Dr. Briggs receives this deference and respect from his fellow men. He is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Wadsworth, Medina county, on the 31st of March, 1853. His father, Abiel Briggs, … Read more

Biography of Louis F. Breuner

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Louis F. Breuner has for fifteen years been closely identified with the business interests of Sacramento, and is one of the best known and one of the most progressive and enterprising men of that city. anyone acquainted with the business interests or the material improvements of the city within the last few years could point out numerous instances where Mr. Breuner’s individuality and energy have left a permanent impress for welfare and upbuilding. K Street, on which his principal business interests are centered, is almost a monument to his business acumen and foresight, and the fact that it is the … Read more

The Good Citizenship Movement

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Just before the famous Vigilance Committee abandoned its organization a number of public-spirited citizens, many of whom had been a part of the Vigilance Committee, decided to organize an independent political party. Their purpose was, as they said, to “rescue the city of San Francisco from the clutch of irresponsible men.” The result of their deliberations was the People’s Reform Party.

Vigilance Committee Criticized

Title Page vol 1 The New California

There was no call for the committee, because justice was obtainable in the courts–Cora much sinned against–How the committee shielded murderers–Other strictures.