The Vigilance Committees

Execution of James P. Casey and Charles Cora by the Vigilance Committee, of San Francisco, California

Interesting reminiscences of the son of the martyred editor of the old San Francisco Bulletin–How desperate men put the law aside and transformed San Francisco into a desperadoes’ paradise–Inside facts about the great uprising of citizens that improvised a committee to try and punish men for their crimes.

The Reign of Disorder

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Antecedents of the vigilance committees of 1851 and 1856–How an organization known as the Hounds caused the organized forces of society to deal summary justice in pioneer days–The killing of James King “of William”–Preliminary study of facts that led to the dealing out of so-called popular justice

The Discovery of Gold

Old placer Mines, American River, Folsom, California

Wonderful results of James Marshall’s accidental discovery at Sutter’s Mill on January 24, 1848–How towns and farms of California were depopulated–Great influx of pioneers from all parts of the world–The transformation of a wilderness into an empire was the romance of the nineteenth century.

Biography of Joseph Charles Boyd

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Joseph Charles Boyd, who is filling the position of county surveyor of Sacramento county, has in the line of his profession controlled many engineering projects which have been of much value to central California. He has attained precedence of many in his profession, having won an enviable position through marked ability and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the great scientific principles which must underlie all practical and successful work in this direction. Mr. Boyd is a native son of San Francisco, his birth having occurred on the 19th of February, 1864. James L. Boyd, his father, was born in … Read more

Biography of Henry Calvin Brown, M.D.

Title Page vol 1 The New California

The state of California with its pulsing industrial activities and rapid development has attracted within its confines men of marked ability and high character in the various professional lines, and in this progress has been conserved and social stability fostered. He whose name initiates this review has gained recognition as one of the able and successful physicians of the state, and by his labors, his high professional attainments and his sterling characteristics has justified the respect and confidence in which he is held by medical fraternity and the local public. Dr. Brown was born February 28, 1862, in Palmyra, Maine, … Read more

Biography of William Ellery Briggs, M. D.

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Dr. William Ellery Briggs is engaged in the practice of medicine at Sacramento, limiting his practice to the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. The world instinctively pays deference to the man whose success has been worthily achieved, and because of his capability, close application, devoted attention to his profession and his strict regard for the ethics of the medical science Dr. Briggs receives this deference and respect from his fellow men. He is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Wadsworth, Medina county, on the 31st of March, 1853. His father, Abiel Briggs, … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Blemer, D. V. S.

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Dr. Charles H. Blemer, who is holding the position of state veterinarian in California, has through the exercise of his official prerogatives done a work that has been of great value to the state and will be of lasting benefit in its enduring influences. Skilled in his profession, he has brought his knowledge to bear upon the conditions existing in stock-raising circles of California and his labors have been very effective in eradicating disease. He is yet a young man, but has already attained a success that is indeed enviable and ranks him with the foremost representatives of his calling … Read more

Biography of Alfred Pressly Black

Title Page vol 1 The New California

On the roll of capable attorneys at the San Francisco bar appears the name of Alfred Pressly Black, and the extent and importance of his clientage is an indication of the confidence reposed in his professional skills and ability. He was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, November 26, 1856, and is a son of James Black, who was likewise a native of the keystone state, born in 1808. The family is of Scotch-Irish descent and was established in America about the middle of the eighteenth century, the grandfather having located in Pennsylvania in 1796. James Black was a farmer by … Read more

Biography of Ebenezer Biggs

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Ebenezer Biggs, who is engaged in teaming and contracting at Napa, is a self-made man and all that he has enjoyed or possessed in life has come to him as the direct reward of his own labor. He started out for himself when but eights years of age. He was very young to face the world alone, but as the years have advanced he has progressed and his life has been characterized by industry, perseverance and steadfastness of purpose. He was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, January 10, 1826, and has, therefore, reached the seventy-eighth milestone on life’s journey at this … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Bell

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Henry C. Bell, who has been serving as United States internal revenue collector at Sacramento since 1898, has been prominent in the industrial and public life of this state for nearly thirty-five years during which time he has gained a high reputation for business integrity, executive ability and genuine worth of manhood. Since his early achievements as a soldier boy in the Civil war he has been an active worker in every enterprise to which he has put his hand, and among other things to his credit is that of being one of the first to place California fruit culture … Read more