Biography of Henry Calvin Brown, M.D.

The state of California with its pulsing industrial activities and rapid development has attracted within its confines men of marked ability and high character in the various professional lines, and in this progress has been conserved and social stability fostered. He whose name initiates this review has gained recognition as one of the able and successful physicians of the state, and by his labors, his high professional attainments and his sterling characteristics has justified the respect and confidence in which he is held by medical fraternity and the local public.

Dr. Brown was born February 28, 1862, in Palmyra, Maine, his parents being Calvin Henry and Amelia (Stewart) Brown, who were also natives of Maine and were of Scotch descent. His maternal grandfather came from Scotland and settled in the Pine Tree state about 1805. The doctor’s father as a lumberman and timber cruiser, carrying on quite an extensive business in these lines. At the outbreak of the Civil war he espoused the cause of the Union and enlisted in the First Maine Cavalry. In the family was but one daughter, who is now Mrs. Erwin of Michigan.

Dr. Brown was only about three years of age at the time of the removal of his parents from the Pine Tree state to Michigan, and he pursued his education in the public schools of Muskegon, Michigan, and also attended the high school there. At the age of sixteen years he put aside his text-books and was for several years employed as a clerk in a hotel. On attaining his majority he passed an examination before the United States government inspectors and qualified to pilot vessels on the Great Lakes. He devoted his attention to that task for several years, until 1885. Determining to enter professional life, he became a student in Rush Medical College of Chicago. He had two years prior to that time taken up the study of medicine in the same institution, but his course was interrupted. In February, 1887, he was graduated. He entered upon the practice of medicine in Muskegon, Michigan, and there maintained his office until 1889, when he came to California, settling in San Jose, and here he entered upon active professional work and has won for himself a creditable place in the confidence and regard of the public because of his professional skill and his genuine personal worth. For two years he was physician to the county almshouse and was physician to the county hospital for three years, discharging his duties in these connections in addition to the labors of a large and growing private practice.

In 1891 occurred the marriage of Dr. Brown and Miss Tenie Booksin, a native of Colusa county, California, and a daughter of Henry Booksin, a pioneer settler of Colusa county, dating his arrival in California from 1851. Both the doctor and his wife have a wide acquaintance in San Jose, and the circle of their friends is constantly growing. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He is also a member of the Sons of Veterans, hos political allegiance is given to the Republic party and he takes an active interest in local and state politics. In 1899 he became president of the board of trustees of the State Normal School at San Jose and filled that position continuously for four years until 1903. In the latter year he was elected city health officer and is now secretary of the board of health. He ranks high professionally, politically and socially, and, possessing the alert, enterprising spirit which is so characteristic of the west, he has exerted a strong and beneficial influence in public affairs.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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