Biography of Eugene D. Graham of Stockton

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Eugene D. Graham, born January 22, 1866, near Stockton, California, serves as county clerk of San Joaquin County. His parents, Robert L. and Caroline (Stokes) Graham, were Kentucky natives with Revolutionary War ancestors. In 1852, they journeyed to California with ox teams and settled in San Joaquin County, where Robert engaged in farming and stock-raising. Eugene, raised on the family farm, received his education locally and worked in Lodi before returning to agriculture. In 1895, he became deputy county clerk, and in 1902, he was elected county clerk. Married to Frances E. Mann in 1888, they have three sons: Robert E., Lloyd L., and Myrl E. Eugene is a member of the I.O.O.F. and W.O.W., and a Republican.

Biography of James Louis Gillis of Sacramento

Title Page vol 1 The New California

James Louis Gillis, born October 3, 1857, in Richmond, Washington County, Iowa, was a prominent political figure and state librarian of California. His parents, Charles and Emily Eliza (Gelatt) Gillis, moved to California in 1861, where Charles engaged in hotel management and mining. James L. Gillis attended various schools in Sacramento and began his career with the Sacramento Valley Railroad Company, advancing to assistant superintendent by 1894. In 1881, he married Kate Petree, and they had three daughters. Gillis served in various legislative roles before becoming state librarian in 1899. Active in Republican politics and numerous fraternal organizations, he was known for his deep knowledge of California’s pioneer history.

Biography of William A. Gett of Sacramento

Title Page vol 1 The New California

William A. Gett, born July 17, 1863, in Sacramento, California, is a distinguished figure in Sacramento County. His father, Captain W. A. Gett, was a Mexican War veteran and California pioneer. Educated in Sacramento’s public and private schools, Gett initially pursued civil engineering before studying law. Admitted to the bar just after turning 21, he practiced law in Sacramento. Though he declined many nominations, he ran for California attorney general in 1902. Married to Ema Sweeney in 1892, Gett was active in the National Guard, various fraternal organizations, and delivered notable public orations, including a tribute to President McKinley.

Biography of Captain Richard M. Garratt

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Captain Richard M. Garratt, born March 3, 1840, in Worcester, England, was a Civil War veteran and superintendent of the almshouse in Milpitas, California. After attending Oxford College, he moved to the United States in 1858. Garratt served in the Civil War, rising to captain in the U.S. Colored Infantry. Post-war, he held significant roles in the railroad industry, including general freight agent and general manager positions. In 1902, he became superintendent of the almshouse in Milpitas. He was twice married and fathered six children. Active in Republican politics and various fraternal organizations, Garratt contributed greatly to his community.

Biography of George Frank Gardner of Wooden Valley

Title Page vol 1 The New California

George Frank Gardner, born September 8, 1855, in Wooden Valley, Napa County, California, served as a dedicated public official in Napa County. By 1904, he was deputy tax collector and deputy treasurer. His parents, George Gordon and Sarah T. (Rice) Gardner, had roots in Arkansas and Tennessee, respectively. Gardner’s father was a Mexican War veteran who journeyed to California in 1849. Gardner’s career began in mercantile establishments before he was elected Napa County tax collector and treasurer in 1892, serving ten years. He married Dora L. Hill in 1880, and they had three sons. Gardner was active in Democratic politics and various fraternal organizations.

Biography of Newel K. Foster of Oakland

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Dr. Newel K. Foster, born in Canterbury, New Hampshire, in 1849, was a prominent physician and legislator. The son of David M. and Sarah (Robertson) Foster, he hailed from a family with deep roots in New England history, including military service in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Foster earned a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University in 1873 and a Doctor of Medicine from Long Island College Hospital in 1878. He practiced in New York and Wyoming before settling in Oakland, California. Foster served as a state legislator and secretary of the state board of health, significantly contributing to public health and politics.

Biography of Tirey Lafayette Ford of San Francisco

Tirey L. Ford

Tirey Lafayette Ford, born December 29, 1857, in Monroe County, Missouri, served as general counsel for the United Railroads of San Francisco, distinguishing himself as a prominent lawyer in California. His legal career began after he passed the bar in 1882, with initial practice in Oroville and later in Downieville. Ford held several public offices, including district attorney of Sierra County and California state senator. In 1898, he was elected attorney general of California but resigned in 1902 to join the United Railroads. He married Emma Byington in 1888, and they had three children. Ford was active in numerous fraternal and social organizations.

Biography of J. C. Falkenberg of King City California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Few merchants of Monterey county have been longer in the business or have had a more varied experience than J. C. Falkenberg, president of the King City Mercantile Company. He was born in Denmark in 1864, reared on a farm and received a high school education. When about sixteen years of age he decided to seek his fortune in America. Shortly after landing in this country he found his way to Watsonville, California, and obtained a position as clerk in a store. That was the beginning of his mercantile career. Later he formed a partnership with a Mr. Krogh, his … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Rowe of Watsonville, California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Among the men now dwelling in the pleasant “evening time” of their lives who have watched the development of this region from the days of the early settlers there are few perhaps who have more vivid recollections of the “days of old” hereabout than has Charles W. Rowe, one of the veteran ranchers and landowners of the beautiful valley of the Pajaro at the jointure of the three counties in the vicinity of Watsonville. His father was one of the first settlers in that valley, and he was born there almost seventy years ago and has always made his home … Read more

Biography of W. L. Clark of Forestville, California

History of Sonoma County, California

The name of Clark is well known throughout Sonoma county, and especially in Forestville, where father and son in their several capacities have become familiar to every household, the former as postmaster of this town for many years, and the latter as a dispenser of meats throughout the town and surrounding country. Not only is W. L. Clark a native of the state, but he is also a native of Sonoma county, his birth occurring in Windsor May 8, 1865, the son of W. S. Clark and his wife, both natives of Illinois. During the period of gold excitement W. … Read more