Biography of William A. Gett of Sacramento

Among the representative men of Sacramento County is William A. Gett, who holds a high position in the regard of his fellow citizens.

Mr. Gett is one of the native sons of Sacramento, born on the 17th of July, 1863, and is a representative of one of the old families of Kentucky, his ancestors having located there at an early epoch in the development of that state. His father, Captain W. A. Gett, was a veteran of the Mexican war and at Buena Vista, under Colonel Jefferson Davis, also a pioneer of California, arriving here on the Humboldt in 1849.

The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood days in Sacramento and his education was acquired in the public and private schools of this city. In early life he devoted his time and attention to civil engineering and surveying; but a professional field proved to him more attractive, and he took up the study of law. Two weeks after he attained his majority, he passed an examination before the supreme court of California and at once entered upon the active work of his profession in his native city.

He has been tendered the nomination for many positions of responsibility and trust, but has always declined these, wishing first, as he says, to win the right of accepting office at the hands of the people by placing himself at the head of his profession. At the general state election in 1902 he was a candidate on the Democratic ticket for the office of attorney general, and with one exception, polled the largest vote given to any Democratic nominee; he was not elected, the entire party suffering defeat in that year.

On the 21st of September 1892, Mr. Gett was united in marriage to Miss Ema Sweeney, a native of San Francisco, and their pleasant home in the capital city is noted for its hospitality and good cheer. Mr. Gett has been actively connected with the National Guard of California, retiring in 1895 with the rank of major. He is a well-known and prominent member of the Native Sons of the Golden West, being a past president of Sacramento Parlor No. 3. He has been a delegate to many grand parlors and has held several important commissions for the order. He is, also, a past chieftain of the Caledonian Society. In Masonry he is a member of the Tehama Lodge No. 3; Sacramento Commandery, K. T.; the Order of the Eastern Star and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is an Odd Fellow and also belongs to the Knights of Honor.

At the memorial exercises, held by the Knights Templar, in Sacramento, as a tribute to the memory of President McKinley, he delivered the address, which was a most classic oration. He also delivered the Fourth of July oration, at Fresno, in 1903. It will thus be seen that he has become a recognized factor in fraternal and military circles of his state and in public affairs, while at the same time his devotion to his profession has won him most gratifying success.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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