Biography of Albert Hutchinson Jarman of San Jose

Albert Hutchinson Jarman is one of the younger members of the San Jose bar, yet his years do not seem to limit his ability nor his progress, for he has already won a position in connection with the legal interests of his district that many an older practitioner might well envy. He is, moreover, a native son of San Jose, his birth having here occurred on the 27th of April, 1875. His parents are John Plasket and Jane (Hutchinson) Jarman. The father, a native of England, crossed the Atlantic to America in 1866 and in 1868 came to California, settling in San Jose, where he began business as a dealer in wallpaper, paints, oils, etc. The business which he established at that time he has since carried on, and year by year has added somewhat to the competence that he has been steadily acquiring. It was in the west that he married Miss Hutchinson, who is a native of Oregon and was brought to California during her girlhood days by her parents, who were early settlers of San Jose. Her father was a prominent stock-man and raised many fine blooded horses. He was also the owner of an extensive ranch, and was well known as a capitalist and leading representative of business interests in his part of the state.

Reared in his native city, Albert H. Jarman pursued his education in the public and high schools prior to entering upon a collegiate course in Stanford University. In 1892 he matriculated in that institution, where he continued his studies for about three years, and in 1895 went to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he entered the University of Michigan and was graduated in 1896 with the degree of Doctor of Laws. He then returned to San Jose and entered upon practice in which he has continued to the present time, covering a period of about eight years. He served as deputy district attorney for four years, from 1898 until 1902, and during that time demonstrated his ability to ably cope with the intricate problems which continually confront the lawyer who controls important litigated interests. He devotes his energies in a zealous manner to the interests of his clients, preparing his cases with thoroughness before he enters the courtroom, and then presenting his cases with a clearness and force that never fails to make its impress upon court or jury and oftentimes wins for him and his clients the verdict desired.

In 1900 occurred the marriage of Mr. Jarman and Miss Eleanor North, a native of Kansas and a daughter of W. C. North, formerly of Atchison, Kansas, who settled in San Jose in 1887, and lived retired until called to his final rest. Mr. Jarman is a Republican in his political views and takes an active interest in local and state politics, putting forth an earnest and effective effort in behalf of the party. He has frequently been a delegate to county conventions, and his opinions carry weight in its councils. He is a valued member of the Masonic fraternity in San Jose, and at this writing is master of San Jose Lodge No. 10, F. & A. M. His interests are thoroughly identified with those of the west, and at all times he is ready to lend his aid and co-operation to any movement calculated to benefit this section of the country or to advance its wonderful development.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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