Biography of Hon. James Alfred Bardin of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

James Alfred Bardin, for nearly ten years judge of the superior court of Monterey county and for twenty years a member of the bar, practicing at Salinas and one of the best known lawyers in this section of California, is a native son of Monterey county and has been a resident of this county all his life with the exception of the period spent in finishing his college work in the east and a year thereafter spent in newspaper work there. Judge Bardin was born on a farm in the immediate vicinity of Salinas, December 27, 1873, and is a … Read more

Biography of Harry Johnstone Woods of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Harry Johnstone Woods, who for over thirty yeas, has furnished El Monte citizens, a goodly portion of their daily bread, is counted among the substantial business men of the city. He came to California in 1897, bringing with him the sturdy traits of character, which were his by inheritance from Scotch forefathers. His birth occurred in West Burke, Caledonia County, Vermont, March 28, 1872, being next to the oldest in a family of eight children, five of who are living. His father, John M. Woods, was born in Hamilton, New York, while his grandfather, Harry Johnstone Woods, was born in … Read more

Biography of Thomas Mayes Wiggins of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Many colorful incidents mark the life history of Thomas M. Wiggins, a native son of El Monte. Mr. Wiggins’ parents were, Thomas J. and Ellen (Vise) Wiggins, both of whom were natives of Missouri, coming to California in 1849, and settling in El Monte in 1852. Mrs. Wiggins was the daughter of Nathaniel Vise, whose family was the first to settle in Visalia, the town being named in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins were married in El Monte in 1861, by Reverend Fryer, the well-known parson of pioneer days, whose sketch also is to be found in this volume. … Read more

Biography of Archie N. Wiggins of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Born in El Monte, August 19, 1863, Archie N. Wiggins was one of the town’s most loyal and progressive citizens, who spent his entire life in the community and contributed generously in time and means to its advancement. He was the son of Thomas J. and Ellen (Vise) Wiggins who were natives of Kentucky and Missouri respectively, both being of Scotch ancestry. In 1849, Thomas J., then a resident of Texas, joined a covered wagon train born for California. The captain of this train was Nathan Vise, mentioned elsewhere in these pages as one of El Monte’s early settlers, who … Read more

Biography of Annie Frances Vise of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Annie Frances Vise, born in 1850, in Houston County, Texas, made the voyage to California by was of Cape Horn, in 1859, with her adopted parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hopper. Landing in San Pedro in the fall of ’59, Mrs. Vise was brought to Los Angeles, where she lived until in 1865 when the family moved to El Monte. Mrs. Vise was first married in 1867, to John Broaded, who at the time, was employed on the “Lucky” Baldwin ranch as a blacksmith. Mr. Broaded was later elected Los Angeles County Treasurer, in which office he served from 1883 … Read more

Biography of John A. Tucker of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

John A. Tucker was born in Lamar County, Texas, January 17, 1868. His parents were L. Dow and Sarah (Frezzell) tucker, natives of Texas. His father being killed when John A. was but four years of age, and he, being second in order of birth in a large family, the responsibility of helping support the family fell early on the shoulders of the subject of this sketch. He was educated in the public schools of his home community and remained at home until he was nineteen. In 1887 he, with his mother and family, came to California, landing in Los … Read more

Biography of Jonathan Tibbet of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Representative of the early pioneers of El Monte is the name of Jonathan Tibbet who was born December 8, 1822 in Franklin County, Ohio. His parents were Jonathan and Huldah (Root) Tibbet, the father being a farmer and native of New York, while his mother came from Vermont. They had a very large family, fourteen children in all, of whom the subject of this sketch was the sixth. An interesting fact concerning the family is that one of the children, Edward was the grandfather of the grand opera singer, Lawrence Tibbet. Jonathan Jr., was educated in the public schools of … Read more

Biography of Stephen D. Thurman of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Well known among the first farmers of El Monte, is the name of Stephen D. Thurman, born in Bledsoe County, Tennessee, in 1844. he was the son of John and Lettie Jane Thurman who were also the parents of five other sons and two daughters. The family moved to Arkansas in 1848, where his father and he engaged in farming until 1852, in which year, the family left by covered wagon and ox team for California. The mother of Stephen died in Arizona while they were on the way, and was buried on the plains in that state. The remainder … Read more

Biography of R. Monroe Thurman of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Monroe Thurman for many years a resident of El Monte and vicinity, was a representative of one of the early American families who settled in this community. He was born in Bledsoe County, Tennessee, July 22, 1840, the son of John and Lettie Jane Thurman, who emigrated from there to Johnson County, Arkansas in 1848, where he farmed until 1852. In that year, with his family, he (John) joined a party of about sixty-five families who crossed the plains and mountains to sunny California. A great bereavement was suffered by the family while on their long journey. The mother, who … Read more

Biography of John Thurman of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

John Thurman, and his wife, Lettie Jane Thurman, emigrated from their home in Tennessee, to Arkansas, in 1848, and from there in 1852, they joined a party of about 65 families, who crossed the plains to California. Mrs. Thurman died during the journey, at the copper mines, in Arizona. The remainder of the family arrived in the San Gabriel Valley in September 1852, and located one and one half miles south of El Monte, where he engaged in farming. Mr. Thurman later purchased land between El Monte and Savannah. He died, July 6, 1876, at the age of 68. The … Read more