Biography of Barnet J. Segal of Carmel California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Barnet J. Segal of Carmel, the affable and progressive cashier of the Bank of Carmel, was born in New York city, January 31, 1898, and was reared and educated in the state of New Jersey. He attended and graduated from the Bayonne high school, and then became a student in the New York University; while later he benefited by the excellent courses in the Pace Institute of New York city, pursuing an accounting training. Following that experience, he was associated with various banks in New York and New Jersey. At the call for service during the World war he went … Read more

Biography of W. F. Nichols of King City California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

W. F. Nichols, manager and part owner of the King City Mercantile Company, was born at Aptos, Santa Cruz county; California, February 10, 1884. His father, Benjamin C. Nichols, came to that county in 1852, when the state of California was but two years old. He built and operated one of the first sawmills in the county and later followed agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Margaret Ward and the subject of this sketch is one of the children born to this union. After receiving a common school education W. F. Nichols learned telegraphy. While still in his teens he was … Read more

Biography of William C. Ware of Pacific Grove California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

William C. Ware, of 588 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, has ever kept in touch with the advancement that has been made in twentieth century electrical work. He is a native of Missouri, born at Clinton, September 13, 1886. There he spent his boyhood until he was sixteen years of age, and in 1909 he came to California, settling in Los Angeles. There he took up electrical work having charge of power houses and sub-stations of the Los Angeles Electric Railroad, and after three years there he associated himself with other electrical companies in the state, including the Pacific Gas & … Read more

Biography of Lorenz Lorentzen of Gonzales California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Lorenz Lorentzen was born in Schleswig, Denmark, December 2, 1882, and is a son of Ole and Helen Mary (Ahrenkiel) Lorentzen. The father was engaged in the feed business in that country for many years, or until 1921, when he came to California, where he is still living. In his boyhood and youth Lorenz Lorentzen attended the local schools, completing his education by a course in a business college. Before coming to California in 1904, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits and the printing business in his native land. His first year in California was spent in Salinas, and the … Read more

Biography of Harry Wurzel of New Monterey California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Harry Wurzel is manager of the Peninsula Upholstering & Drapery Company at 730 Lighthouse avenue, New Monterey, and is one of the most progressive merchants of the state, combining with business and executive ability, a rare appreciation of all that is tasteful and artistic in house furnishings and decorations. He was born In Hungary, December 13, 1884, and at thirteen years of age began to learn the trade of upholsterer and decorator. In 1904 Mr. Wurzel crossed the ocean to New York and in the eastern metropolis he worked at his trade with Messrs. Potes & Styrnes, the exclusive interior … Read more

Biography of John Edmund Trafton of Watsonville California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

In the memorial annals of the beautiful valley of the Pajaro in the vicinity of Watsonville there are few names held in better remembrance than that of the late John Edmund Trafton who in his generation was one of the acknowledged leaders of the community, enterprising in his land operations, public spirited in his consideration of civic problems, philanthropic in his attitude toward community needs, gentle in his intercourse with his neighbors, ever kind and generous toward his relatives, true to himself and true as well in his relations with his fellow men. Mr. Trafton was a bachelor and his … Read more

Biography of John Ober of Soledad California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

One of the oldest and most highly respected citizens in the neighborhood of Soledad is John Ober, who was born in Sweden, April 6, 1850. The name was originally Oberg and the records in his native land show that he is the son of Peter and Christine (Pearson) Oberg. His father was a farmer and John grew up on the farm. At the age of twenty years he left Sweden for America. The first four years of his life in this country were spent in the east and the middle western states, where he was engaged manly in railroad work. … Read more

Biography of Asa E. Day of Moss Landing California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Asa E. Day, proprietor of a general mercantile store at Moss Landing, was born in Virginia City, Nevada, July 1, 1863, the son of Dania W. and Charlotte ( Hess) Day, the former an ambitious westerner who pitched his tent at Virginia City when a young man. He mined there, and in time came to California, arriving here in the late ’60s. After an active and very useful life, all in all successful, the father died, esteemed by all who knew him. The mother is still living, at the ripe old age of eighty-three years. Attending the public schools in … Read more

Biography of Harry Turner of Carmel California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Harry Turner of Carmel, is a contractor well posted as to the conditions and details necessary in stone, brick and cement work. He has long been successful in this field of business, making a specialty of stone patios, chimneys and fireplaces. He was born at San Francisco, August 15, 1880. A son of Benjamin Turner, a native of England. The latter was a brick mason and fifty years ago followed his trade in San Francisco. He worked on the first Palace Hotel and many other large buildings there before the fire and he also worked on the building of the … Read more

Biography of John W. Fretwell of Parkfield California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

John W. Fretwell, justice of the peace at Parkfield, was born October 8, 1852, and is a son of John W. and Katherine (Ford) Fretwell, the former a native and the latter of Kentucky. The subject of this sketch came to California in 1872 and for about three years lived in the Sacramento valley and Solano county. In 1875 he came to Parkfield and is now the oldest resident in the valley in point of years, who arrived after he had reached the age of twenty-one years. He homesteaded one hundred sixty acres and preempted another one hundred sixty. By … Read more