Biography of William C. Ware of Pacific Grove California

William C. Ware, of 588 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, has ever kept in touch with the advancement that has been made in twentieth century electrical work. He is a native of Missouri, born at Clinton, September 13, 1886. There he spent his boyhood until he was sixteen years of age, and in 1909 he came to California, settling in Los Angeles. There he took up electrical work having charge of power houses and sub-stations of the Los Angeles Electric Railroad, and after three years there he associated himself with other electrical companies in the state, including the Pacific Gas & Electric Company of San Francisco, the Western Power Company of the same city, and the Western States Gas & Electrical Company of Stockton.

Later, in Fresno, California, he engaged in business for himself as an electrical contractor, and afterward continued in the same line at Madera, where he was a member of the firm of Boyle & Ware, electrical contractors. Previous to that, he was with the Anaconda Copper Company, at Butte, Montana, and he was also active in Jerome and Globe, Arizona. In course of time, Mr. Ware was selected to go to Chili, South America, to install the electrical work needed for their interests and it is doubtful if half a dozen men in all California have had such a valuable and varied experience along these lines, so that any community might be glad to have attracted and held him, to its upbuilding as well as to his own.

Coming to Pacific Grove in the spring of 1924, Mr. Ware established himself successfully in business, installing wiring, repairing motors in canneries and doing the electrical work for the Bay State Fishing Company, in Monterey. He has also installed work in the Criley residence at Highlands. He is a member of the Electrical Contractors’ and Dealers’ Association of California, and at all times he has kept abreast with the latest discoveries and methods that modern science has brought out in the electrical field.

Source: History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California : cradle of California’s history and romance : dating from the planting of the cross of Christendom upon the shores of Monterey Bay by Fr. Junipero Serra, and those intrepid adventurers who accompanied him, down to the present day. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1925.

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