Biography of James D. Cleminson of El Monte California

A native of California, and numbered among the prominent pioneer builders of El Monte is the name of James D. Cleminson, who is held in high esteem for the qualities of character revealed during his life in this district. Mr. Cleminson was born February 14, 1870, in San Bernardino, his parents being James and Caroline Cleminson, his father being a native of Missouri, a sketch of whom is to be found elsewhere in this work, and his mother a lady of English birth. In 1852 the father with his family came by wagon train to California, stopping first in San … Read more

Biography of James Cleminson of El Monte California

James Cleminson was a representative of one of the pioneer American families of the El Monte District. He was born at Independence, Missouri, August 7, 1833, son of John and Lydia (Lightner) Cleminson. The children, who came with their parents to California in 1852, were: James, whose name heads this sketch; john Jr., Lydia and Diantha. Laura, wife of G.W. Durfee, and Mary M. wife of E.T. Mills, came a few years later. The journey of the Cleminsons was a long and tedious one. The first winter was spent at or near Harrisonville, Missouri; the next, at Tucson, Arizona. At … Read more

Biography of John Cleminson of El Monte California

The Cleminson family are prominent citizens of the Los Angeles County, where the pioneer, John Cleminson established the name at an early date in the history of California, two succeeding generations serving to keep alive the records and deeds of their ancestor, who proved himself worthy to cope with the trials and hardships of a new land. The pioneer John Cleminson, Sr., was a native of England, who, in 1812, came with his father to St. John’s, New Brunswick, whence them made their way to the United States and finally located in Louisville, Kentucky. Later in Lexington, Lafayette County, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of Prescott F. Cogswell of El Monte California

A pioneer of unusual ability, as well as a statesman and public benefactor, is P. F. Cogswell, who came to El Monte in the eighties and contributed much to the growth and up-building of the district. His name will ever be remembered in connection with the early development of the English walnut industry here, as he was one of the pioneers in setting out walnut groves in this district, as well as in the organization of the first (The Mountain View) Walnut Growers Association. His services as a statesman were six years a member of the State Legislature and four … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Coleman of El Monte California

Two and a half miles northeast of El Monte is located a ranch, which was owned by Joseph L. Coleman, one of the progressive and enterprising citizens of this section. The family of which Mr. Coleman is the California representative is of English origin, the grandfather, Steven, having emigrated from England and located in Virginia, where he engaged as a farmer until his death. The father, Richard D., was born in Tazewell County, Virginia, there reared to manhood, when he followed the general mercantile business. He later was killed in battle during the Civil War. Next to the oldest child … Read more

Biography of James A. Anderson of Lodi, California

James Alden Anderson

James A. Anderson, a prominent fruit grower and shipper in Lodi, California, had been involved in the fruit and nursery industry since 1874. Born January 4, 1849, in Livingston County, Missouri, Anderson moved to Sacramento at age 25, joining the Capital Nursery. In 1883, he established his own nursery in Clements, later relocating to Lodi in 1887. Anderson successfully operated a nursery and fruit-growing business, also producing fruit boxes and baskets. Married to Mary L. Hummer in 1870, they had five children. Anderson was active in local fraternal organizations and politics, serving on the Salem school district board for 14 years.

Biography of David Taylor Bateman of Santa Clara County California

Title Page vol 1 The New California

David Taylor Bateman, county superintendent of schools of Santa Clara county, is a native of Ohio, born at Hillsboro in Highland county on the 18th of December, 1845, his parents being Daniel S. and Mary L. (King) Bateman. In December, 1886, occurred the marriage of Professor Bateman and Miss Josephine A. Gairand, a native of Santa Clara county and a daughter of Louis A. and Ellen (Barry) Gairand, who were pioneer residents of the Santa Clara valley.

Biography of Curtis Mason Barker of San Jose, California

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Curtis Mason Barker, of San Jose, was born in Detroit, Michigan, April 12, 1861, his parents being Kirkland Charles and Jennett Barker. In 1883 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Barker and Miss Zoe A. Campbell, a daughter of J. C. Campbell, one of the prominent mining men of Nevada City.

Biography of Eugene Aram of Sacramento, California

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Eugene Aram, a prominent lawyer of Sacramento, is certainly one of the very oldest living native sons of California, with whose business, professional and political affairs he has been identified to a degree most honorable and creditable to an eldest son. He was born at Monterey, in what is now the state of California, on January 26, 1848. Mr. Aram was married in 1875 to Miss Lizzie Jasper, a daughter of J. M. C. Jasper, of Wheatland, Yuba county.

Biography of William Alexander Anderson of Sacramento

William C. Anderson

William Alexander Anderson, born in Mineral Point, Wisconsin, in 1846, became a prominent figure in central California’s legal and literary circles. Moving to California in 1850, he pursued an education in law at Benicia Law College, graduating in 1865. Anderson served as county auditor, city attorney, and police judge in Sacramento. He was deeply involved in the Republican Party and contributed significantly to local cultural life as a writer and dramatic critic. His career was marked by integrity and public service, earning him widespread respect and admiration.