Biography of John Manuel of Stockton

Title Page vol 1 The New California

John Manuel, born on October 11, 1840, in England, passed away on November 19, 1898, in Stockton, California. Emigrating to America in his youth, Manuel initially worked as a gold miner in Calaveras County before establishing a successful lumber business in Murphys. He also engaged in extensive ranching in Calaveras and San Joaquin counties, with his estate, known as the Manuel Estate, encompassing a highly productive 1,500-acre ranch on Roberts Island. Manuel moved to Stockton in 1895, where he lived until his death. He was a respected businessman and a member of the Masonry and Odd Fellowship orders. He married twice, first to Mary Williams, with whom he had twelve children, and later to Mary Malspina.

Biography of Orrin S. Henderson of Stockton

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Orrin S. Henderson, born on June 2, 1863, in San Andreas, Calaveras County, California, was a prominent figure in Stockton’s business, political, and social spheres. The son of Milton P. and Hannah L. Henderson, he joined his father’s carriage manufacturing business in Stockton after graduating from high school in 1881. A committed Republican, Henderson served two terms on the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors and was elected Railroad Commissioner of California’s Third District in 1902. He held numerous leadership roles in fraternal organizations and married Lavern Viets in 1885, with whom he had two sons.

Biography of Elmer P. Alexander of Salinas California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Among the highly influential bankers of California may well be named Elmer P. Alexander, the genial president of the popular Salinas City Bank, with its attractive headquarters at the corner of Main and Gobilan streets. Mr. Alexander was born in Sacramento, June 15, 1871, the son of John K. and Sallie B. (Carothers) Alexander, the former a native of Mississippi, the latter of Illinois; Mr. Alexander having come to California by way of the Isthmus, and Mrs. Alexander by the great trackless plains. John K. Alexander, born at Brandon, Rankin county, Mississippi, in 1839, was reared at Jackson, that state, … Read more

Biography of John Henry Alexander of El Monte California

Alexander, John H. Grave Marker

Although living but two years after his arrival in El Monte, John H. Alexander was well known in the vicinity and left a family which was to have much to do with the activity and future development of the town.

Born in 1829, a native of South Carolina, Mr. Alexander was educated in the public schools of his home community where he remained until after he was twenty years of age. In 1849, he crossed the plains to California by ox-team, coming first to the gold fields in the northern part of the state. Here he remained for several years engaged at mining. For a time as foreman of a mine in Drytown, Amador County, and later in Calaveras County in the same line of work.