Biography of Orrin S. Henderson of Stockton

Orrin S. Henderson, a potent factor in the business, political, and social circles of Stockton, California, was born at San Andreas, Calaveras County, California, June 2, 1863, son of Milton P. and Hannah L. (Coombs) Henderson, natives of Maine and representatives of old New England families.

Milton P. Henderson came to California in 1857, making the journey via the isthmus route and landing in San Francisco. Like most new arrivals in California at that time, Mr. Henderson tried his luck first at mining. A short experience, however, was sufficient to convince him that some other line of occupation would be more suited to him, and he accordingly engaged in the manufacture of carriages, at San Andreas, with his brother, Orrington L. Henderson of Vallejo, California (lately deceased), and continued there until 1865, when he moved to Stockton. In 1867 he engaged in the same business in this city on a more extensive scale, and has continued his enterprise up to the present time, manufacturing a variety of vehicles, including wagons, fine carriages, etc., and making a specialty of building Concord stage coaches. His family consists of a son and a daughter.

The son, Orrin S., was educated in the public schools of Stockton, graduating at the age of eighteen years, with the high school class of December 1881. After his graduation he entered his father’s office, and in 1884, when he reached his majority, was made a member of the firm, and as he grew older the active management of the business devolved upon him until now he relieves his father of many of the arduous duties connected with the management of this large establishment.

Mr. Henderson’s political affiliations are with the Republican party, and his public service as well as his business career began in early life. In 1894 he was elected a member of the Board of Supervisors of San Joaquin County, was re-elected to succeed himself, and served two terms of four years each, during most of which time he was chairman of the board. In 1902 he was elected Railroad Commissioner of the Third Railroad Commissioner District, State of California, for a term of four years, and is now serving in this capacity. He has just been selected as the first vice president of the State League of Republican Clubs for the State of California. Also he is a member of the state board of trade, representing San Joaquin County.

Mr. Henderson is an honored member in many prominent fraternal organizations. He has advanced through the various degrees of Masonry, including the chapter, commandery, and Mystic Shrine, and is a past grand master F. & A. M., of the state of California. He is also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. He has filled all the official chairs in the local parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West. He has membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Ancient Order of Foresters, the Independent Order of Foresters, the Pacific Coast Commercial Travelers’ Association, the Union League Club of San Francisco, the Yosemite and Union League clubs of Stockton, and was a member of the old Stockton Guard, N. G. C., unattached, during its existence.

Mr. Henderson was married in 1885 to Miss Lavern Viets, of San Jose, California. They have two sons, Erledean Orrin Henderson, aged seventeen years, and Reed Coombs Henderson, aged thirteen years.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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