Biography of Fannie Lewis of El Monte California

Mrs. Fannie Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bunyard, was born in Grayson County, Texas, and with her parents, two sisters, and three brothers, came to California in 1868, in a wagon train.  The caravan was six months on the way, and brought a large number of cattle.  Landing at Puente, the family remained at that point a month, and then came on to El Monte.  Fannie Bunyard, which was her name at that time, was married in 1884, to Ira D. Lewis, a farmer and a native son of California, who died in 1909.

Ira D. Lewis was the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, who at the time of the son Ira’s marriage, owned a hop ranch, about two miles south and east of El Monte.  Six children were born, three of whom are living; David Lewis, Ida Figueroa, and Nellie Halversen.  Mrs. Lewis’ sister, Harriet, now deceased, wrote a diary of the events and experiences of the family, while crossing the plains to California.  This interesting transcript has been preserved throughout the years.

Source: C. D. Mayon, F. Brow, L. Stoddard, and C. Mudd; El Monte from the Pioneer Days. WPA Project No. N-5740, 1936. In record 19-187072. (California Historical Landmark No. 765: El Monte). On file at the SCCIC, CSU Fullerton.

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