Biography of William T. Kibbler of Carmel California

William T. Kibbler, the efficient and popular mayor of Carmel, living on Eighth street, near Ocean avenue, is a native of Boston, born May 12, 1856. There he attended both the grammar and the high schools, and afterward clerked in a drug store. In 1874 he came to the Pacific coast, settling in San Francisco, where he clerked in the drug store of Judson & Company. Then going to Los Angeles county, he engaged in wheat farming for four years.

In 1885 Mr. Kibbler returned to San Francisco and established himself in business by opening a drug store at the corner of Truh and Hyde streets and another at the corner of Truth and Larkin streets. At one time he owned a drug store on the site of the present Roose Brother’s store. He was also prominent in politics and he served as foreman of the grand jury in 1900. Like so many thousands, he suffered heavy losses in the San Francisco fire but after that disaster he resumed business at the corner of Truh and Larkin streets where he remained for two years. Later he sold out and since 1908 has made Carmel his home.

In 1904 the Carmel Development Company started to put town lots upon the market, and the value of local property may be inferred from the fact that the officers of the Carmel Development Company offered to trade to Mr. Kibbler two lots for a buckboard he had used in San Francisco, and that he offered for sale at thirty-five dollars. The deal went through, although the nominal price of the lots was one hundred twenty-five dollars each. Mrs. Kibbler had been to Carmel and liking the place, she drew plans for a modern house of eight rooms. This was the first good home built in Carmel, the previous structures being mostly portable. This more attractive residence was shown to prospective buyers, and it was through this model and its exhibition that the movement for modern homes in Carmel was started.

Mr. Kibbler has been thrice chosen mayor of Carmel, the last time in April, 1924. This has enabled him to lead in all important public improvements, and it was through him that the city was incorporated in 1914. He was formerly president and is now treasurer of the Forest theater. When the Monterey Union high school was built, he was a member of the board, on which he is still serving, and was one of the school’s founders. He belongs to Monterey Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Golden Gate Commandery, and Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine of San Francisco, and is a most exemplary representative of the Masonic order. His life has been of intense and intelligently directed activity, crowned with success, and the broad vision and progressive spirit he has manifested as mayor of Carmel have been most important factors in the up-building and development of the city and in maintaining high municipal standards.

Source: History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California : cradle of California’s history and romance : dating from the planting of the cross of Christendom upon the shores of Monterey Bay by Fr. Junipero Serra, and those intrepid adventurers who accompanied him, down to the present day. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1925.

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