8 Cemeteries near La Porte, California

  • Secret Diggings Cemetery (SD) This cemetery is located 1.5 miles south of La Porte, California on the Old Sawmill Road.
  • Gibsonville Cemetery (GC) This cemetery is located 7 miles north-east of La Porte, California on the La Porte-Quincy Road.
  • Whiskey Diggings Cemetery (WD) This cemetery is located 8 miles north-east of La Porte, California on the Johnsville Road. It is on the south shore of Lake Delahunty.
  • Port Wine Cemetery (PW) This cemetery is located 4.5 miles south-east of La Porte, California on the west side of the Scales Road.
  • Flume Camp Grave (FC) This cemetery is located 6 miles south-east of La Porte, California on the Happy Hollow Road.
  • St. Louis Cemetery (SL) This cemetery is located 5 miles north-east of La Porte, California on the west side of Table Rock Road, about 0.25 milewest of the old school house foundation.
  • Pine Grove Cemetery (PG) This cemetery is located 7 miles north-east of La Porte, California on the east side of Table Rock Road.
  • Howland Flat Cemetery (HF) The protestant/military cemetery is located 9 miles north-east of La Porte, California in Howland Flat, on the north side of the Poker Flat Road. The Catholic cemetery is on the south side of the road.


SL 1872 1873 Anderson, Addie Amelia
WD 1896 1896 Baby Alfred
GC 1830 1913 Barrett, Julia
GC 1831 1911 Barrett, Michael
HF 1847 1906 Becker, Caroline
HF 1835 1908 Becker, Frank X.
PW 1816 1867 Bevan, William
HF 1861 1866 Brown, Mark
SL 1853 1902 Brown, Mary J.
HF 1824 1910 Brown, N. (Mrs.)
PW 1889 1891 Burelle, Leda S.
SL 1820 1894 Carmichael, Alexander
SL 1929 1897 Carmichael, Margaret
PW **** **** Cassidy, Father, Mother, Sister
PW 1863 1867 Caya, Joseph H.
PW 1861 1891 Caya, Lodine F.
PW 1813 1890 Caya, Mitchell
PW 1832 1882 Caya, Sophia
HF 1824 1910 Chittenden, Eunice A.
HF 1874 1874 Chittenden, Mary
GC 1863 1866 Cole, Elmira M.
SL **** **** Conlan, 6 graves, Catholic
WD 1811 1887 Cook, Andrew
HF 1827 1905 Costello, Mary
HF 1834 1892 Costello, Patrick
HF 1862 1908 Costello, Thomas
WD 1811 1887 Cox, Louisa
HF 1816 1894 Crowley, Ellen
PW 1891 1891 Day, Aloysie
GC 1946 1909 Delahunty, Mary
GC 1832 1896 Delahunty, Thomas
GC 1871 1878 Delahunty, Walter
GC 1834 1869 Delahunty, William
GC 1884 1908 Dunn, Katherine Haffey
PW 1798 1864 Evans, Francis J.
SL 1836 1861 Eveland, Jane C.
PW 1886 1897 Farren, Annie Pearl
PW 1858 1895 Farren, Samuel R.
SL 1826 1871 Fraler, Charles
PW 1856 1940 France, L. W.
PW 1864 1940 France, Martha J.
PW 1883 1899 France, Orlie V.
HF 1834 1889 Gannell, James
GC 1808 1874 Gartrett, Richard
HF 1906 1907 Goard, Alice
HF 1897 1956 Goard, C. Henry
HF 1870 1927 Goard, Henry
HF 1874 1949 Goard, Mary A.
HF 1899 1907 Goard, Nellie
HF 1909 1913 Goard, Walter
PW **** **** Grant, S. O.
SL 1826 1862 Griswold, Amos
GC 1822 1873 Guthrie, James P.
GC 1828 1903 Haffey, John
PG 1832 1861 Harper, John
GC 1834 1896 Harris, Mary
HF **** **** Hartley, Henry
HF **** **** Hartley, Louisa
PW 1887 1892 Haskins, Sarah Elizabeth
SL **** **** Hayes, Charles
SL **** **** Hayes, Eddie
HF 1902 1907 Hayes, Edna
SL **** **** Hayes, Johnnie
SL **** **** Hayes, Thomas
HF 1897 1917 Hayes, Willie
HF 1843 1901 Hellbach, Andrew
HF 1879 1916 Hellbach, Andrew J.
WD 1870 1874 Hellbach, William
GC 1843 1888 Hewitt, Ellen
HF 1831 1895 Hughes, Margrate
HF 1824 1890 Hughes, William
GC **** 1878 Jack, Jennie
SL 1830 1868 Jackson, Andrew
GC 1865 1905 James, David J.
GC 1840 1909 James, Sarah J.
SL 1837 1857 Jenkins, Abigail
SL 1857 1857 Jenkins, Anna Pender
SL 1832 1863 Jenkins, Thomasina
SL 1829 1896 Jones, Evan J.
SL 1863 1881 Jones, Henry
PW 1828 1898 Jones, James
SL 1868 1881 Jones, Jane
SL 1834 1880 Jones, W. T.
PW 1830 1864 Jones, _____
GC 1867 1870 Judge, Caly
GC 1855 1933 Judge, Catherine M. F.
GC 1831 1876 Judge, Mary
GC 1830 1922 Judge, Timothy
GC 1833 1886 Judkins, Silas
GC 1858 1902 Kane, Nancy S.
GC **** 1883 Kappeler, Andrew
PW 1824 1890 Kelly, Patrick
PW 1823 1889 Kinman, Eliza
PW 1869 1870 Lawrence, Charles W. E.
HF 1838 1912 Leamy, John
PW 1828 1902 Lewis, James
PW 1830 1886 Lewis, Sarah
PW 1830 1905 Lewis, Thomas
PW **** **** Lloyd, Evan
GC 1863 1896 MacGoul, Alfred
GC 1895 1896 MacGoul, Alfred
GC 1895 1896 MacGoul, Ida
PW 1889 1889 Marvin, Georgie
PW 1839 1915 Marvin, Joshua
HF 1831 1867 McCain, George
SL 1838 1905 McGrath, William
HF 1836 1882 McKeever, Daniel
GC 1882 1899 McKeever, Margaret
SL 1862 1905 McKenzie, Susie
HF 1883 1883 Meikle, Louisa
FC **** 1933 Merrit, L. K.
SL 1855 1933 Mooney, Henry
PW 1889 1890 Moore, Mable St. Lawrence
HF 1832 1895 Moriarty, Maurice M.
SL 1831 1860 Naumann, C. F.
PW **** **** O’Neile, James
PW **** **** O’Neile, Patrick
HF 1853 1897 Overstreet, Charles E.
HF **** **** Overstreet, Maggie E.
HF **** **** Overstreet, Willie T.
GC 1904 1904 Patterson, Charles
GC 1858 1877 Perry, Elizabeth
PW 1853 1870 Pierce, Ellen
GC 1827 1884 Plockberger, Henry
GC 1813 1886 Potter, __. B.
HF **** **** Proseus, William H.
SL 1828 1875 Rees, Griffith D. G.
GC **** 1950 Reid, Mary
GC **** 1951 Reid, Robert
PW 1827 1864 Rudge, Fredric K.
WD 1872 1873 Schofield, Alice
WD 1868 1871 Schofield, Amelia Adaline
WD 1840 1877 Schofield, Eliza Ann
WD 1876 1877 Schofield, Ida
WD 1835 1890 Schofield, Mark
HF 1835 1909 Sinnott, Catherine
HF 1828 1908 Sinnott, Michael
GC 1862 1919 Sinnott, Nellie D.
GC 1861 1903 Sinnott, Richard J.
GC 1830 1897 Spencer, Charles R.
GC 1855 1942 Spencer, Elizabeth Haffey
GC 1866 1901 Spencer, Frances M.
GC 1833 1902 Spencer, Marian W.
GC 1898 1908 Squier, Clayton J.
GC 1934 1905 Squier, G. G.
GC 1886 1898 Squier, Otto
GC 1881 1897 Squier, Ruby
GC 1868 1894 Squier, Silva May
SL 1871 1879 Stahl, W. W.
GC 1871 1877 Tabor, Clara B.
GC 1873 1877 Tabor, William A.
GC 1870 1898 Thomas, G. W.
WD 1860 1880 Thomas, George W.
GC 1834 1916 Thomas, J. L.
GC **** 1917 Thomas, Joseph I.
GC **** 1918 Thomas, Matilda A.
PG 1811 1855 Thurston, Maria H.
HF **** **** Timpson, R. P.
HF **** **** Todd, Aaron
HF **** **** Todd, Charlie T.
HF **** **** Todd, Elizabeth
HF 1843 1891 Totman, Ellen
HF 1828 1895 Totman, William C.
PG 1847 1862 Van Windle, Eleanora
PW **** **** Vaughn, G. S.
HF 1836 1867 Wait, Smith H.
HF **** **** Walls, John K.
WD 1823 1874 Walters, Henry A.
HF 1844 1903 Wehrle, Anna
HF 1834 1907 Wehrle, Joseph
SL 1838 1905 Weimer, Andrew
SD 1825 1857 Wilison, Howard
GC 1842 1860 Woolover, John P.

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