Biography of Aden C. Hart, M. D. of Sacramento

Dr. Aden C. Hart, physician and surgeon of Sacramento, has practiced his profession in this city for nearly ten years, and has gained high favor among a large and representative clientage. He is a practitioner of equipment equal to that of the best, and he has been a devoted student of his profession since youth. His broad knowledge of his science and sympathetic manner have given him rank among the most skillful and popular physicians and surgeons in the city.

Dr. Hart was born in Nicolaus, Sutter County, California, May 7, 1868, and is a member of a family which has given several influential members to the professions and the public life of this state, among them Dr. Hart’s brother, Judge E. C. Hart, whose biography also appears in this work, with some extended mention of the family history.

Dr. Hart was educated in the public schools of Colusa county, graduating from the Colusa high school in the class of 1886. For the following three years he studied medicine under Dr. Joseph S. West in Colusa, after which preliminary training he entered Cooper Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1891 with the degree of M. D. he then located in College City, Colusa county, and practiced three years and a half. He came to Sacramento in 1895, and has carried on his practice here ever since. He took a post-graduate course in the famous New York Post-Graduate College, and in 1901 made a second trip to the same city and took advantage of the exceptional opportunities offered in the hospitals of the city. He has always paid much attention to surgery, and has made considerable reputation for his skill in this department of the work.

Dr. Hart was appointed a member of the state board of health by Governor Pardee, on March 14, 1903, to fill out the unexpired term of Dr. Winslow Anderson, whose name was withdrawn. The appointment was confirmed by the senate, and his term will expire May 29, 1905. he is a member of the Sacramento Society for Medical Improvement, the Northern District Medical Society, the California State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. In politics he is a stanch Republican.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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