Biography of James L. Flanagan of San Francisco

James L. Flanagan
James L. Flanagan

James L. Flanagan is well known to the public men of the state of California as the manager of the State House Hotel at Sacramento, and his long connection with the hotel business and his attractive personality and integrity of character give him great prestige in this line. He is a native son of the state and is possessed of all the sunny qualities of the true Californian, and this western spirit is no doubt responsible for much of his success. The State House Hotel is one of the best-known hostelries of the city, and is the headquarters for all the leading politicians and public men during the various conventions and legislative sessions. Since Mr. Flanagan took charge it has been remodeled and enlarged so as to accommodate over two hundred guests, and it is the intention soon to enlarge it to nearly double its present capacity. It has all the modern conveniences and everything is found there essential to a first-class metropolitan hotel.

Mr. Flanagan was born at Sunol, Alameda County, California, December 24, 1865. His father, Alonzo Flanagan, a present resident of San Francisco, was born in Ireland and came to California about 1863, taking a position at Mission San Jose with the firm of Palmer, Cook and Beard. He remained in their employ until 1868, and from then until 1881 engaged in farming near Livermore. In the latter year he accepted a position in San Francisco as superintendent of the outside grounds of the late Adolph Sutro. Under his immediate supervision the immense Sutro forest was planted, the Sutro property comprising one-eighth of the entire area of San Francisco County. He remained in the employ of Mr. Sutro until the latter’s death, and he then retired and is now living with his wife and children in San Francisco. He was married while at Mission San Jose, in 1864, to Miss Mary Riley, who was born in Ireland and came to America and to California in girlhood. Her sisters now reside in Alameda County.

James L. Flanagan is the oldest of the eleven children of his parents. He attended the public schools in Alameda County and completed the work of the Lincoln grammar school in San Francisco at the age of fifteen. He then went to work, being in various positions in San Francisco until he was nineteen years old. At that age he came to Sacramento and for one year was employed in a drug house and began learning the business. From that, however, he was diverted by his acceptance of a position as night clerk in the Western Hotel, under William Land, and he was in that employment for the long period of fourteen years. In September 1902, he took the management of the State House Hotel, and has been conducting it with much success to the present time. He also has other business interests in the state. He is connected with some mining companies, and is secretary of the San Andreas Gold Channel Mining Company, which owns property in Calaveras County. He was one of the organizers and is president of the Roseville Banking Company of Sacramento, which has secured a bank charter from the state. He has property interests in San Francisco.

Mr. Flanagan was married in East Oakland, April 14, 1896, to Miss Mamie Baker, who was born in San Francisco. Her father, William Baker, was a native of Spain, and was one of the pioneer miners in this state, and after making a good stake invested in East Oakland real estate and lived retired until his death, which occurred February 22, 1902. Mr. Flanagan is a staunch Republican and has represented his party in the city and county conventions. For three years he was a member of Company E, of the National Guard of California, being corporal. He affiliates with the Independent Order of Foresters, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Tribe of Ben Hur, the United Moderns, the Improved Order of Red Men, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the Knights of the Royal Arch.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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