Biography of Lawrence Fisher of Sacramento

Lawrence Fisher, late of Sacramento, who died at his home in that city February 4, 1903, in his seventy-first year, had been a resident and an active business man in the capital city for over thirty years, and although he was in the fullness of years and had garnered the best sheaves in life’s harvest when death called him, yet his demise meant a great loss to his community in sturdy and noble character.

Born at Bolton, Lancashire, England, November 22, 1832, a son of William H. and Jane Fisher, native English people, he was reared and educated in the country that gave him birth and at an early age began learning the blacksmith trade, an occupation which he followed with almost phenomenal skill and success throughout his active career. In whatever company of fellow workmen he was thrown, he was immediately recognized as a master of his craft, and undoubtedly was one of the best blacksmiths that ever crossed the waters from England to America.

On March 5, 1855, in England, occurred the marriage which gave him a lifelong companion, who still survives him and is one of the most esteemed and lovable old ladies in the city of Sacramento. Her maiden name was Mary Morgan, born at Bolton, England, February 8, 1829, a daughter of James and Alice (Fern) Morgan, of English birth and ancestry.

In 1857 Mr. Fisher came, alone, to America, locating in Cleveland, Ohio, where three months later he was joined by his wife and their one child. After following his trade several years in Cleveland he was attracted to that then great center of industrial activity—the oil regions of Pennsylvania, where, in connection with the business of oil-producing, all kinds of mechanical work, and especially blacksmithing, were in greatest demand. He lived and worked among several of the famous oil centers of those times. In 1872 he came with his family to California, and at Sacramento at once secured employment at his trade in the old Central Pacific Railroad shops. He followed his trade in those shops, both under the regime of the Central Pacific and its successor, the Southern Pacific, for twenty-one years, and as an industrious and skillful craftsman had few equals. He had exercised good business ability throughout his career, acquiring considerable property, and on a ranch of one hundred and forty-three acres, several miles north of Sacramento, an estate which is still the property of his widow, he followed his tastes for agriculture and managed his farm in a very profitable manner. The ranch is now being managed by his grandson, Roy L. Briggs. He was a distinctly moral man, of tried integrity and uprightness, and was regarded with particular esteem by all who knew him. In politics he voted the Democratic ticket.

The home of Mrs. Fisher is at 631 E Street in Sacramento. She was the mother of six children altogether, but three have been taken away by death, and those living are Sarah J., wife of Albert D. Briggs, of Sutter County; Mrs. E. and Lawrence S., who both live in Sacramento.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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