Biography of Thomas Freer of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Thomas Freer, one of the sterling citizens of El Monte, gave to the state of his birth his most loyal allegiance, upholding her interests in every possible way. He was born in Barryessa, Santa Clara County, California, December 25, 1859, a son of William H. Freer, one of the early pioneers of California. For a full account of his father’s career, refer to his personal sketch, which appears elsewhere in this volume. Reared in Santa Clara County until he was fifteen years old, Thomas Freer received his education in the public schools of that section, later, attending for a brief … Read more

Biography of Martin Stucker Freer

The Works Progress Administration

Martin Stucker Freer was a native Californian, born in Barryessa, Santa Clara County, October 1, 1854, his father being William H. Freer, the pioneer, whose history is given at length elsewhere in this volume. Reared on the home farm for the first twenty-one years of his life, Martin S. was educated in the public schools of his home community. He came to El Monte in October 1875, driving stock through to the farm, which his father had bought here in 1869. Here he remained with his father until he was twenty-eight years old, when he became dependent upon his own … Read more

Biography of Lee Freer of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Inheriting the qualities of character which have made the Freer name respected and esteemed throughout El Monte district and indeed, all Los Angeles County, Lee Freer held rank as one of the representative citizens of El Monte. He was a native son of the State, and a twin of Jackson Freer, whose sketch is included in this work, his birth having occurred in San Jose, April 6, 1870. Five years later he was brought by his parents, William H. and Zerelda (Stucker) Freer, to Southern California, where all of his life was spent. Reared in Savannah, he received his education … Read more

Biography of John H. Freer of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

John H. Freer, well known among El Monte’s early settlers, was the son of William H. Freer, who settled in El Monte in the seventies, a separate review of whom is given in this work. John Freer was born in San Jose, California in 1852, and in 1874, came to El Monte and located on a tract of land in the Mountain View district and engaged in general farming. He later moved to the ranch known as the Old Tibbet Place, which his father had acquired. He lived here until 1887, when the place was sold, and then moved to … Read more

Biography of James Bascom Freer of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

James Bascom Freer, the second son of William H. Freer, whose name is known and honored throughout Southern California as that of a pioneer, was born in Trenton, Grundy County, Missouri, April 15, 1843, remaining a resident of his native state unit 1849, when he was brought across the plains to California. Although a child of but six years, the events of that ever-memorable journey remained fresh in his mind until his death. His duty was to assist in driving the cattle on the six months trip and although parties ahead and behind them were attacked by the Indians, they … Read more

Biography of Jackson Freer of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Jackson Freer, son of William H. Freer, who is represented elsewhere in this work, was born April 6, 1870, in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. He was a twin brother of Lee Freer, a review of whom is to be found elsewhere in this volume. In 1875 he was brought to Southern California by his parents and was reared to young manhood on the parental ranch, receiving his preliminary education in the public schools and completing it in St. Vincent’s College. He remained at home with his father until he was twenty-three years old, assisting in the cultivation of … Read more

Biography of Frank A. Forst of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

Born in Alsace Lorraine, February 3, 1842, Frank A. Forst, El Monte’s first undertaker, emigrated to America in 1863, and a short time later came to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Mr. Forst was the son of Joseph and Saloma Forst, who were also natives of France, and who died in that country. Educated in his native country, Mr. Forst later learned the trade of cabinet-maker and shortly following his arrival in San Francisco, he came to Southern California and settled near Savannah and engaged in his trade. In this work he was active for a number … Read more

Biography of E.A. Farrington of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

California is justly proud of her educational advantages and facilities, which compare favorably with those of any other state of the Union. Prominent among the well-known instructors and educators, of Los Angeles County and El Monte in particular, is Professor E.A. Farrington. Mr. Farrington was born January 5, 1860, in Franklinville, New York. His father, Christopher C. Farrington, also born in New York spent his entire life in that state, the last few years of which were lived in Chautauqua. Following his early common school education, Mr. Farrington continued his studies in Ellington Academy, completing in Oberlin College in Ohio. … Read more

Biography of Lewis Farmer of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

One of El Monte’s early settlers, a successful rancher and walnut grower, was Lewis Farmer, born in Harlan County, Kentucky, May 15, 1848. His parents were William C. and Catherine (Bronson) Farmer, natives of Kentucky; Lewis was the first-born of a family of ten children. Remaining at home until he was twenty-two years of age, Lewis Farmer obtained his education in the common school of his community and later by attending a subscription school in winder and working on his father’s farm during the summer. In 1872, he was elected county clerk of his home county and held the office … Read more

Biography of William Elliott of El Monte California

The Works Progress Administration

About a mile and a half southeast of El Monte may be seen one of the finest walnut groves of Southern California, the pride of its owner, William Elliott, until his death in 1913. When he purchased this property, consisting of seventy acres of wild, barren land, it gave little indication of its present beauty and productiveness. However, by a close application of the knowledge of California ranching, which several previous years had given him, Mr. Elliott made this farm one of the finest in the section. He owned three hundred and twenty-two acres all set to walnuts, which he … Read more