Biography of Dr. F. P. Clark

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Dr. F. P. Clark, who has charge of the Clark’s Sanitarium at Stockton, one of the oldest and best known institutions of the state, is one of the progressive and able physicians of Stockton, and has been connected with the sanitarium almost since he entered the ranks of the medical profession. Clark’s Sanitarium was established in 1871, Dr. Asa Clark, the father of Dr. F. P. Clark, being the leading spirit in the enterprise. It was originally intended for the care of patients from Nevada territory, and Dr. Clark made a contract with Dr. Samuel Langdon to this end. The … Read more

Biography of Asa Clark

Asa Clark

In reviewing the list of officials who have devoted their energies and best efforts to some particular department of the state government, there is no one who stands out more prominently than Dr. Asa Clark, the honored superintendent of the state hospital at Stockton. All those who have been familiar with the conduct of the institution since its inception unite in the statement that its development under the present management has been little short of marvelous, and its high ranking among similar institutions of the United States is unquestionably due to the executive ability combined with the thorough knowledge and … Read more

Biography of James U. Castle

Title Page vol 1 The New California

James U. Castle, who resides at 505 South California street, Stockton, is a typical California pioneer and representative in a high degree of the enterprise and business capacity of those who cast in their lot with this country during the early days and were eminent factors in its growth and development and likewise shared in its prosperity and wealth of resources. He is one of the most influential citizens of San Joaquin county as it exists to-day, but the story is often told of him that when he arrived on the western coast during the palmy days of the fifties, … Read more

Biography of James Herbert Budd

Title Page vol 1 The New California

James Herbert Budd, loyal in citizenship, is one of the distinguished citizens of California whose life record forms an integral part of the history of the state, and his energy and genius have left an impress upon its rapidly developing civilization. He stands as a high type of American manhood, having attained success in his profession which is indicative of close application and superior ability, while at the same time he has found opportunity to devote to the public welfare, to thoroughly inform himself concerning the vital questions and issues of the day and to spread in effective manner those … Read more

Biography of Henry Veach of Bradley California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

Anyone who loves stories of adventure will be interested in this brief sketch of the life of Henry Veach, owner and proprietor of the “Zoo,” at Bradley, California. He was born on October 8, 1862, where the town of Thornton now stands. His father was a native of Ohio, and his mother was born in Missouri. In 1849 they came to California with an emigrant train, in which the wagons were drawn by oxen, being six months and six days on the journey. They first located at Placerville, but removed to the site of Thornton and later to Paraiso Springs, … Read more

Biography of William C. Ware of Pacific Grove California

History of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, California Volume 2 Title Page

William C. Ware, of 588 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, has ever kept in touch with the advancement that has been made in twentieth century electrical work. He is a native of Missouri, born at Clinton, September 13, 1886. There he spent his boyhood until he was sixteen years of age, and in 1909 he came to California, settling in Los Angeles. There he took up electrical work having charge of power houses and sub-stations of the Los Angeles Electric Railroad, and after three years there he associated himself with other electrical companies in the state, including the Pacific Gas & … Read more

Biography of James A. Anderson of Lodi, California

James Alden Anderson

James A. Anderson, a prominent fruit grower and shipper in Lodi, California, had been involved in the fruit and nursery industry since 1874. Born January 4, 1849, in Livingston County, Missouri, Anderson moved to Sacramento at age 25, joining the Capital Nursery. In 1883, he established his own nursery in Clements, later relocating to Lodi in 1887. Anderson successfully operated a nursery and fruit-growing business, also producing fruit boxes and baskets. Married to Mary L. Hummer in 1870, they had five children. Anderson was active in local fraternal organizations and politics, serving on the Salem school district board for 14 years.

Biography of Clifford E. Allen of Stockton, California

Title Page vol 1 The New California

Clifford E. Allen, physician and surgeon of Stockton, California, is one of the young and progressive members of his profession, and has made rapid advancement since he first opened his office and offered his skill to the public. Dr. Allen was born in Bangor, Butte county, California, July 31, 1871, a son of John E. and Mary (Baine) Allen, who are both living in Bangor.