Surprise Valley Record for August 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, August 1925

August 5, 1925

A. P. Norton left last Sunday for Gerlach, where he met and brought back Mrs. Norton’s sister, Mrs. S. E. Kemp, and daughter, Miss Margaret, who will visit Mr. and Mrs. Norton for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Kemp is manager of the mail order department of the White House in San Francisco, and Miss Margaret Kemp is private secretary of the Standard Oil Company in the same city.

C. N. Jackson Passes
C. H. Jackson, of Alturas, for many years cashier of the first National Bank of Alturas, died at his home there, last Saturday and his remains were interred last Monday afternoon. Mr. Jackson was a man highly esteemed by all who knew him, and his many friends deeply regret to hear of his death, which resulted from a long illness, and grieve for the sorrowing ones he has left to mourn his passing. B. B. Robinson and Rev. Waggoner attended the funeral from this place.

At Alturas, Cal., July 28, 1925, Dr. Wm H. Craig and Mrs. Docia Lawson, of this place. Justice of the Peace, Wm Thompson, officiating.

Perry McDaniels returned last week from Rock Springs, Wyoming. Since leaving here last spring, he has visited many places in the East and Middle West, but says that Old Surprise looks good to him. We are sorry to state that his health has not been very good lately, but hope that the healthy and invigorating atmosphere of this place will soon bring him back his usual health.

Roy Spangler was brought in from the east last Sunday for medical treatment. While lassoing a mule the second finger on the left hand became entangled in the riata and was pulled off, causing a very painful injury.

Felix Allen of Alturas paid Cedarville a flying visit yesterday. The charges of having liquor in his possession were dismissed last week, as Joe Danhauser confessed that it was he and not Felix who had the liquor, and the latter was fined $400.

Professor Visits
Prof. Ernest C. Hudspeth, born and reared in this valley, for the past eighteen years, principal of a school in Oakland, arrived here last Thursday to visit the scenes of his boyhood days. That he has made good is demonstrated in the fact that he has been retained at the head of the same school for so many years. His many old friends were glad to see him.

August 12, 1925

Gene Ithurralde cut the little finger off his left hand last Saturday while splitting wood at the Home Camp in Long Valley. He was brought here and the wound was treated by Dr. Kennedy.

While working on a hay wagon one day last week, Fernando Sara ran a bolt into his elbow, making a painful wound, but we understand that he is getting along as well as could be expected.

Mine Accident
Frank Ross and Douglas Wooden, two young men of Bieber, Lassen County, met their death in the Buckskin mine on Hayden Hill one day last week. It seems that the former went down in the shaft and while using a pick in the bottom, which exploded a powder cap and the latter went down to assist the wounded man to the top and both were overcome by the poisonous gases.

Ed Van Dorn, of the Western Garage, who underwent an operation recently, is able to be about, with the aid of crutches.

Miss Claire Raker has been appointed cashier of the first National bank at Alturas, to succeed C. N. Jackson, who died last week.

At Eagleville, Cal., August 4th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cook, a daughter

At Lake City, Cal., August 6th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. George Weilmunster, a daughter

Wm Cockrell left for Berkeley today, taking with him his son, Lewis, Audrey Decious, and Stanley Decious, who will attend the University of California this winter. Miss Gay Delmas also accompanied them and will spend a few weeks vacation. Miss Olga Taylor will attend to the stage office during Miss Delmas absence.

August 19, 1925

A Most Distressing Accident While coming down the grade in Cedar Canyon yesterday afternoon with a load of wood, John Bailey, accompanied by his wife and son Melvin, stopped the team at the watering trough to water it, and got off the wagon, dropped the bits out of the horses mouths, when they became frightened and started to run down the grade. Mr. Bailey endeavored to stop them and was thrown to the ground, one wheel passing over his right leg, breaking it just above the knee. The team continued to run down the grade, the wagon over turning and throwing Mrs. Bailey out over the grade and badly bruising her, but fortunately breaking no bones. Melvin had a large gash cut on his forehead and one of the small bones in the wrist broken. Fortunately, LaRue Kerr and John Largent came along in their cars a few moments after the accident happened and brought the injured ones to town and Dr. Kennedy was called and did everything possible to alleviate their suffering and they are getting along as well as can be expected.

At Vya, Nev., Aug. 13, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. John Harriman, a son

At Fort Bidwell, Cal., August 14, 1925, to the wife of Ancil Church, a daughter

In Cedarville, Cal., August 11, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos J. Wylie, a son

David Baty, of Lake City, was taken to the Lakeview Hospital last week to be operated on for appendicitis, from which ailment he has been suffering for sometime. He was accompanied by his wife. We understand that he is getting along very well.

Mr. and Mrs. Strief and daughter, Odessa, former residents of this place but now of San Jose, arrived here some days ago on a visit to relatives and renewing old acquaintances, who were glad to see them again. Mr. Strief is now in the grocery business at San Jose and is doing well.

Elber and Auten Bush, sons of Dr. Elizabeth Bush, arrived Monday to be with their mother for an indefinite time.

August 26, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hobbs, early pioneer residents of this valley, left last week for Ashland, where they will make their home for sometime, at least. They have a host of friends here who regret their departure. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lusk on their return to Ashland.

At Lake City, Cal., August 30, 1925 to Mr. and Mrs. David Fox, a boy. (Note newspaper is dated August 26, 1925)

In Cedarville, Cal., August 23, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Addington, a daughter.

Card Of Thanks
We wish to thank the many kind friends who assisted us and showed us their sympathy at the time of our accident. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey and family

The family of Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Heard, of Lake City had a family reunion at the old home place on the 16th inst and about forty children, grand children, great grand children were present. A splendid dinner was participated in and a jolly time was had, and to commemorate the occasion several photographic views were taken of the relatives gathered there, which in time to come will be available momentos of a happy time in the years gone by.

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