Surprise Valley Record for December 1924

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, December 1924

December 3, 1924

Passed Away
Fred P. Cronemiller, Postmaster at Lakeview and for twelve years editor of the Lake County Examiner, passed away at his home in Lakeview last Thursday at the age of 64 years. By his death, Lake County loses one of its best and most energetic citizens, a man of high ideals and conscientiousness in all his work. Honest with all, generous in times of need and genial in his intercourse with his fellow man inspired the confidence of the people and he was chosen to positions of responsibility, and that confidence was never betrayed. To the wife and children, the Record extends sincere sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement. Goodbye, old pal, goodbye.

Claude Heard is now to be found behind the counter in Denehy’s store.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Nov. 30th, to the wife of Ray Tierney, a son

Mode Page and Everett Eachus were here from Ashland for a few days last week and report times lively around Klamath Falls.

Sheriff Sharp arrested a couple of men one night last week, named Harding and Mills, for bootlegging and they are now boarding at the county restaurant.

Mrs. I D McCormick and Raymond Grove, of Reno, arrived at Eagleville some days ago on a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Grove and other relatives and friends.

Alturas gets almost everything that is coming to it these days and has now added a case of diptheria, smallpox and epidemic of whooping cough to its collection. However, the smallpox and diptheria cases are mild and quarantined and no danger of the spread of the diseases is apprehended.

December 10, 1924

Arthur Dunn and wife arrived here from Burns, Oregon last week, on a visit to Mrs. Dunn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wentzell.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm Mullins have both been quite ill during the past week but are able to be around again.

We are informed that Thos D. Jones has purchased the residence property on Townsend St., from Walter A. Johnstone, and will take possession shortly.

December 17, 1924

Fred Wallace returned last week from Reno, where he went to have treatment for his eye, which was injured by an accident at the fire last January. We are glad that he is improving.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Dec. 10, 1924, to the wife of Robert Baty, a son.

Basil C. Robinson was married to Miss Goldia Briles at Chico, December 14, 1924. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Robinson, of this place and is a most exemplary young man, and the bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lakin Briles, of Chico, is a most estimable young lady. The young couple are well known here and are graduates of the S. V. U. H. S. and recognized as being among the best and most popular among our young people. The Record, along with a host of friends, joins in wishing the young couple a long and happy married life.

Wm P. Evarts, wife and baby left last week for Lovelock, Nev., where they will reside in the future, and where Mr. Evarts has leased and will conduct a creamery.

Mrs. Wm Rinehart and two small children are reported quite ill this week.

Mrs. John Bailey went to Eagleville Friday to take care of her mother, Mrs. Barber, who is suffering with a severe cold.

Otha Wood was in from Long Valley and stated that more antelope will be captured this winter for placing in different Parks.

Dr. W. H. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Patterson and family and Mrs. Maude Barnhart and family, who will go to Reno, where they expect to lose reside in the future. We regret to lose then, and the best wishes of their many friends follow them wherever they may go.

December 24, 1924

Mrs. Thos Quirk and children of Nevada are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lem Toney.

Perry McDaniels made a business visit to Lakeview and reports very cold weather in that section.

Mr. and Mrs. Sid Street left last Monday for Orland and will remain in the citrus belt during the winter.

F. E. Bush returned home last Monday from San Francisco, where he underwent a minor surgical operation, from which he is recovering nicely.

December 31, 1924

Reese Hawkins Answers Call
Word was received here last Sunday that Reese Hawkins, a prominent resident of Lakeview, had died that morning, at Oakland. Mr. Hawkins was a man of sterling worth and was highly respected by all who knew him and for many years past has been Treasurer of Lake County and his many warm friends will sadly miss him. He was a brother of our fellow townsman, Henry Hawkins, to whom we extend sincere sympathy in his bereavement.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Dec. 17th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill, a son

In Cedarville, Cal., Dec. 23rd, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bengochea, a son

In alighting from an auto last Sunday, Mrs. Harry Rinehart slipped on the ice and fell, breaking her right arm just above the wrist.

Last Sunday Wm. Fraley stopped his auto truck at the watering trough and got out to fill the radiator, when the machine commenced to slide backwards going over the grade and turning over. A side from spilling the load but little damage was done.

One day, last week Arthur Allenwood’s car collided with a buggy driven by Thos Tierney, totally wrecking the latter, but fortunately hurting no one. The impact threw Tom up thru the buggy top, cutting a whole through his leather cap.

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