Surprise Valley Record for February 1922

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, February 1922

Wednesday, February 1, 1922

A Narrow Escape
Some evenings ago while Mrs. Stiner was calling on her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. George Toney, near Lake City the gasoline lamp exploded, setting fire to the room. With rare presence of mind, Mrs. Stiner picked up the flaming lamp and hurled it out of door. In doing so her clothing caught fire and she was badly burned about the arms and body. However, the burns were not serious and she will soon recover from the accident.

The case of Hutchinson vs Sweeney is being tried before the Superior Court at Alturas this week.

Married – At Alturas, Cal., Jan. 28, 1922, James Connolly to Miss Margaret Pickerell, both of Eagleville. Their many friends extend very best wishes for a happy and prosperous life.

Married – At Alturas, Cal., Jan. 28, 1922, Miss Jessie Reynolds and Victor Rinehart. The contracting parties are popular young people of this vicinity and their many friends wish them boundless prosperity and worlds of joy and happiness.

Harry E. Wood, who met with an accident about two months ago at Fall River Mills, breaking his leg, found it necessary this week to undergo a surgical operation, the leg being amputated a few inches below the hip joint. The bones of the fractured leg failed to knit and the operation was imperative. From latest report, states that Harry is getting along nicely.

A near fire that had it gained headway, would have burned a large portion of the town last Monday night. Hussa & Hays were curing meat in a large steel tank in their smokehouse and in some manner the meat became ignited in the tank and burned up, doing a damage of about $75. The interior of the smokehouse was seen to be lighted up about midnight, but luckily, the walls of the building did not ignite, thus a conflagration was escaped.

Fraternal Orders Install D. D. G. P. Mrs. Fannie Strief, assisted by Grand Marshal, Mrs. Willie Wheeler, installed the officers of Cedar Rebekah Lodge No. 305 installed its officers on the evening of Jan. 19th and the usual banquet and good time followed the installation ceremonies: P. N. G., Rose Baty; N. G., Marian Sweet; V. G., Hattie Tyeryar; Rec. Sec., Adda Strotts; Fin. Sec., Carrie Poore; Treas., Helen Russell; Cond., Gertrude Strief; Ward. Opal Strief; R. S. N. G., Fannie Strief; R. S. V. G., Willie Wheeler; L. S. V. G., Gertrude Darst; Chap., Ellen Bailey; L. G., Maybeth Miller; O. G., Charles Stimers.

D. D. G. M., John Stewart, assisted by Grand Marshal, Fred Ash in stalled the newly elected officers of Morilla Lodge No. 291, I.O.O.F. of Fort Bidwell, on the evening of the 21st inst. as follows: Alonzo Frakes, P. G.; Beavis Ash, N. G.; Norman Frakes, V. G.; A. A. Rodgers, Rec. Sec.; Fred Ash. Fin. Sec.; H. B. Stephens, Treas.; Will Munroe, R. S. N. G.; Chas Hilderbrandt, L. S. N. G.; George Cline, L. S. V. G.; Harry Shadler, Warden; C. D. Kafader, Cond.; Bill Asmus, L. G.

The following officers of Cedarville Lodge No. 249, I.O.O.F. were installed by D. D. G. M., John Stewart on Saturday evening, January 14, to serve the coming year: N. G., Charles Stimers; Secretary, John Sharp; Fin. Sec., Jesse Rice; Treas., Grant Adams, Warden, W. G. Robinson, Cond., Ira Darst; L. G., J. H. Cloud; R. S. N. G., R. H. Stanley; L. S. N. G., Howard Hedgepeth; R. S. S., Forest Adams; L. S. S., Tel Strief; Chap., Richard Stimers.

Harry Toney, Harry Wimer and Claude Heard returned last week from a little jaunt to San Francisco and report a fine trip.

Miss Lizzie Metzker came over from Alturas last week and spent a few days visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Addington.

Mrs. Jas Riley is reported quite ill with rheumatism.

Wednesday, February 8, 1922

Will Install An Ice Plant
The enterprising firm of Hussa & Hayes, of the Cedarville Meat market, last week signed up a contract for the purchase of an ice plant, which will be installed on their premises just as soon as the plant can be shipped in. It is an up-to-date machine and will turn out 1200 pounds of ice daily. Aside from supplying the needs of the public, they will operate a refrigerator or cooling plant in connection with the meat market, which will be of vast benefit to their business. This will be a great convenience to our people, as they can get ice in quantities to suit at anytime and it is an improvement to the town and will do away with the expensive old fashioned method of putting up ice in the winter and having about half enough of it going to waste. Hussa & Hays are to be congratulated for their enterprise.
Work Together When it comes to hometown patriotism and genuine co-operation, we certainly have got to hand the laurels over to the little town of Eagleville. For sometime past the Eastern Star and Woodsman have not had the proper quarters to hold their meetings and D. H. Groves got busy with a subscription list and in a few days of canvassing had collected $2, 700. With that money, the two-story building of Walter Johnstone was purchased and the entire interior renovated, the upstairs being fitted up for a Lodge room and the lower story for a town hall. The people got together and donated the work putting the interior of the building in shape, and now the Lodges have splendid quarters and the town a large hall for meetings, etc. This is an example of what can be done by co-operation, coupled with hustle, and it might be well for us of Cedarville to emulate the progressive spirit shown by our neighbor town. We have a hall here that unless steps are taken very soon to have it turned over to the town, will be sold and used for other purposes, and the town will be without the conveniences of a public meeting place. The Bank has been very lenient in keeping it for the use of the town, but it cannot be expected that it will always and lose the money that it has invested in it. It loaned the money to the Board of Directors of the hall for the purpose of helping build up town and giving it the convenience of a place of public meetings. The Board of Directors and shareholders defaulted in its payments and the bank had to take the hall over. We are satisfied that the Bank will make a large sacrifice if the people want the hall and will get busy. We are also satisfied that our public-spirited people will not allow Cedarville to be without a town hall. Let us take the matter up and see what can be done. The success at Eagleville shows what can be done when determined a effort is made; besides it would be an everlasting shame if we allow a town one-fourth the size of Cedarville to beat us to a frazzle in the matter of co-operation and public enterprise. All the same, we doff our hat to the people of Eagleville. They are to be highly commended for their action, and we hope to be able to state in the near future that Cedarville has followed the example set.

Ed Connolly and mother, Mrs. Connolly were in town Monday, attending to business matters.

J. H. Wood and wife and son, Sam returned last week from Reno, where they have been for several months.

The jury, in the case of Hutchinson vs Sweeney, rendered a verdict of not guilty, and the case was dismissed. The jury was out only 25 minutes.

Born – In Cedarville, Cal., February 7, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sansinena, twin daughters. We regret to announce that one of the little ones died; but the other is dong fine.

Frank Fulcher, a former resident of Bidwell, but now of Idaho, was here a short time last Saturday on his way to Alturas. He came back for a visit his old home and reports business good, where he is now residing.

About five o’clock this morning the ice house belonging to L. A. Wheeler, and the small garage alongside of it, on the McCloud place were discovered to be on fire and were totally destroyed. Frank Hansen’s big auto truck was in the garage and was a total loss along with other things belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Hansen.

Wednesday, February 15, 1922

While returning home for the railroad meeting at this place last week, the car driven by Joseph Tochterman ran into a wagon driven by Sam Steele. The wagon was demolished and the radiator of the car was wrecked but fortunately, no injury was suffered by the occupants in either vehicle. It was a dark night and the wagon had no lights, hence the accident.

Born – Near Cedarville, Cal., Feb. 11, 1922, to the wife of Lee Heryford, a son.

Mrs. B. P. Dollarhide slipped on the ice and fell last Friday breaking her right arm, causing a very painful injury.

Horace Hobbs was injured by a horse, several days ago and had two ribs fractured. We sincerely hope that he will soon recover from his injury.

Rufus Stout, who lives north of Lake City, and by the way, he never got married, was here some days ago and made us a pleasant visit. He had returned from Alturas where he had been called for jury duty.

Thos B. Sizer and wife returned last week from a trip to Europe where they have been visiting relatives and Mr. Sizer’s old home in England. Their many friends are glad to see the home again.

Melvin Jones of this place recently purchased from Joseph R. Polander, the old Pioneer Hotel property at Lake City and will take charge at once, but we understand that he will not conduct a hotel to the public. Mr. Polander purchased a farm from Mrs. Wiley Jones and she in turn purchased Mrs. Maggie Wilson’s home in Lake City. Mrs. Wilson resides in Sacramento where her daughters, Wilma and Marjorie are attending the California Business College.

Mrs. Walter Johnstone recently was the victim of the peculiar form of flu that is going the rounds and it seemed to settle in or around on of her ears, and last week Dr. Kennedy performed a surgical operation making an incision back of the ear, which relieved the pain and she is now getting along nicely.

Mrs. Miles Vernon, of this place, died at her home near the plant of the Lassen Lumber and Box Company Wednesday morning after a short illness. She was 75 years of age. With her husband, she has been a resident of Susanville for about three years, coming here from Williamette. She was formerly a resident of Surprise valley in Modoc County, where she has a number of relatives.

Former Pastor Here, Dead Rev. Jared M. Wilson, who was pastor of the Methodist Church of Susanville in the early nineties, died at his home in Oakland last Friday. Mr. Wilson, because of his genial disposition, made many friends ___ing his residence in Susanville, particularly among the young people, who loved and respected him. He was a boy among boys. His last active church work was at Colfax in Placer County, from which he was compelled to retire by failing health about a year ago. He is survived by his widow and three children – Mrs. Ruth W. Meyers of Chester, Dr. E. E. Wilson of Oakland and Dr. Fred Wilson of Willits.

Wednesday, February 22, 1922

Frank Kerr and Lee Leonard ate both reported sick with a form of the flu the past week.

The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Heryford died last Saturday, the 18th inst., and was buried in the Cedarville cemetery last Sunday. Rev. E. F. Beach conducting the services. We Along with their many friends, extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents in the loss of their little one.

Jim Meyers had the misfortune to break his hand while trying to engineer a cow around. He hit the animal across he nose with his hand in an effort to stop or turn her with the above result. He came to town Tuesday to get his hand dressed.

It is no use to get fresh with the female sex, for if you do you will always get the worst of it.

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