Surprise Valley Record for February 1923

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, February 1923

Wednesday February 7, 1923

Wiley Allen in formed us that his brother Grover is over in London, England, where he is now engaged in the garage business and is doing well. He ordered the Record sent to him there.

Mrs. J. R. Polander, one of the old and highly esteemed residents of Lake City passed away last Wednesday night, leaving a husband and several children to mourn her loss, and to whom the Record extends sympathy in their sorrow. We expect to publish her obituary as soon as it is obtainable.

Wednesday February 14, 1923

Last Sunday and Monday were the most disagreeable of the season, the wind was blowing a gale and snow flying in all directions, which will make travel over the mountains difficult. The ground in the valley is covered from four to six inches deep with snow and this storm bids fair to be the heaviest of the season.

Mrs. Dorton, mother of C. M. Dorton, of Eagleville, died last Tuesday. No particulars have been received.

Mrs. Fred Wallace returned last week from Fresno, where she went to visit her mother, Mrs. Jacques Weber, who has been ill but is now better.

The New Era says that a report is current that Jeff Mabrier, formerly of this place, serving a long prison term from this county had become violently insane and in an effort to restrain him, it was necessary to shoot him to save life. If the report be true it is a sad ending of a life that otherwise might have been a useful one.

Card Of Thanks
We desire to thank each and everyone, of our many friends who helped and comforted us during the illness and death of our loving mother and wife. We want to express our appreciation to the people of Cedarville for their help and especially to Mrs. Robinson and each member of the choir alike, for rendering so sweetly the songs, which were our mother’s choice. We thank the dear friends who gave the beautiful floral offerings, which further expressed their love toward mother and us all.
Mr. Joseph R. Polander
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Cramton
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wimer
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Polander

Death Of Mrs. J. R. Polander
Mrs. J. R. Polander, of Lake City, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grover Wimer, January 31st, at five o’clock p.m. She had been in ill health for the past five years. She had traveled, and made her home in Arizona, at the St. Helena Sanitarium for several months and later bought a beautiful home in Chico, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Polander made that their home for the short period of three months. Mrs. Polander not improving any in health decided to return to her home in Lake City, being home only a month when she fell asleep. Her remains were interred in the Lake City Cemetery, February 3rd, at 2:30 p.m. She lies resting by the side of her baby boy. The funeral was well attended by many friends, Bro. Burtis Ritz speaking the words of comfort and pointing all to the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. Mrs. Polander, was a mother and a friend to all with whom she came in contact and was loved by all who knew her. She was a Christian mother so weep not. “A Christian mother, above all others can deeply implant and faithfully cherish the seeds of Truth in the young and tender heart. The mother moulds the life, character and destiny of man. Every stage and phase of life is touched and influenced by her. Infancy, childhood and manhood and old age center alike in her. She is both the morning and evening star of life. The angel spirit of the home.”

Margaret Vetura Polander was born in Pike Co., Illinois, March 5, 1860 and fell asleep in Jesus at Lake City, Calif., January 31st, 1923, age 62 years, 10 months and 26 days. In 1864 at the age of four years, she crossed the plains with her parents by ox team, the family locating near Cottage Grove, Ore. June 5, 1979, Miss Waggoner was united in marriage to Joseph R. Polander. To this union were born eight children. Four of whom are sleeping awaiting the call of the “Life giver.” The family moved to Modoc Co., Eagleville in the spring of 1884. Living there for over twenty years moved to Lake City. The husband and wife were baptized and united with Seventh Day Adventist Church in the year 1916. Sister Polander passed away rejoicing in the faith and the power of the Holy Spirit was upon her. The husband, Joseph R. Polander and four children survive her: Wesley E. Polander, Clara E. Vaughn, Ollie O. Cramton, Margaret J. Wimer. Twelve grand children, three sisters, two brothers and a host of friends mourn her departure.

Mrs. Mary Perry has been quite ill during the past week.

Wednesday February 21, 1923

Monroe Dorton was absent the latter part of the week on account of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Ed. Dorton, of Eagleville,

We are informed that Bert Simson of Eagleville has sold his place south of Eagleville and purchased the old John Eytser property near Eagleville paying sixteen thousand dollars for it.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Conner has been very ill the past week threatened with pneumonia, also the little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnstone has been quite ill the past week, both are improving we are glad to say.

Wednesday February 28, 1923

Thos Gloster, for years a resident of this valley, but now of Alturas, came over last week and was shaking hands with his many friends over here and made us a pleasant visit.

Stanley Heads Welfare Work At Hutchinson Mill Leon R. Stanley, of Palermo, has been named by General Manager R. F. Pray, of the Hutchinson Lumber Co., Chief of Insurance, Employment and General Welfare. Stanley is experienced in this line of work, having been six years employed by the Red River Lumber Company at Westwood as insurance expert, employer of labor and welfare Superintendent. – Oroville Register

High School Notes Dorothy Miller was awarded the forty word Bronze Medal in Typewriting in the monthly test under International Contest Rules. It was presented to her at the close of the Thursday afternoon program.

Harry Rinehart returned last week from Berkeley where he had been taking the Pasteur treatment, having worked with an animal that died from the rabies.

The news of the death of John B. Lindemenn at Santa Rosa was received last Saturday. He was an old time resident of this valley, and his many friends regret to learn of his passing.

Mrs. W. G. Rea was bitten by a cat yesterday. The animal came up to her and she pushed it away with her foot, it came again and was again pushed away when it sprang at her and bit her on the leg and then decamped. The cat returned and is now in a box, and while it is not thought that it has the rabies, the case is being closely watched for any symptoms.

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