Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, May 1925
May 6, 1925
Day – Gilmore Nuptials
Miss Ruby Day, of Edgewood, became the bride of Carrol L. Gilmore, an auto salesman of Dunsmuir, on Thursday, April 16, in Redding, the marriage was solemnized at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. Thurston. It is reported the young folks will make their home at Edgewood. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Day, parents of the bride, gave a dinner at their Edgewood home on Wednesday evening, having only immediate relatives. The groom’s mother and brothers, Mrs. M. T. Stewart, Athol and Melvin, of Yreka were among those present, and with Mr. and Mrs. Day and son Gerald, accompanied the bride and groom to Redding where after the marriage, a wedding dinner was given at one the hotels. The bride and groom then departed for a motor trip to Los Angeles and other point’s south and will visit the groom’s sister, Mrs. D. S. Shultz, at Flora Vista, New Mexico. At Los Angeles, they will visit the groom’s other sister, Miss Nona Stewart.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore at favorably known in Yreka, where both have made their home and where they have a host of friends who will be interested in their marriage.
Obituary Of Pioneer Settler
Isaac Newton Jacobs, was born in Indiana, April 2nd, 1839, and was 86 years and 12 days of age.
At an early age he went to Keokuk Co., Iowa, where he lived til 1863, when he crossed the Plains with an ox train, himself walking most of the way. At one time he was sent back on foot, and alone in search of stock which had strayed from the train, and wandered several days, dodging hostile Indians, until he finally rejoined his friends, so footsore and weary he could scarcely walk.
He went to Virginia City, Nevada, where he engaged in the business of making brick, until the following year, when he returned East, as far as the La Platte River, where he met the George Wimer train coming West. He joined them, and came to Surprise Valley, where he built the first house, a log cabin, still standing on his ranch, two and a half miles north of Lake City, now owned by Mr. Stewart.
On May 30th, 1866, he was married to Julia Etta Wimer, and to them none children were born: O. W. Jacobs, of Adel, Oregon; W. S.; Victor L., and Lester L. Jacobs, and Mrs. Lydia Tonningsen, all of lake City; Mrs. C. F. Wheeler, of Cedarville, Mrs. F. G. Messner of Ft. Bidwell and two babies, who died in infancy.
Mr. Jacobs was a man of high ideals and sterling qualities, honest and generous, loving humanity and charitable thereto, his hospitality was well known and his friends were many. He successfully filled the offices of Deputy Assessor and Supervisor of the first district. Mr. Jacobs was preceded to the Great Beyond by his beloved wife by two years and four months; since her death he has gradually wasted away. A sorrowing community mourns the loss of a good neighbor and friend.
Mrs. Wm Evarts and small son arrived from Lovelock yesterday and will visit her mother, Mrs. J. R. Wilson.
At Eagleville, Cal., April 29, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chopping, a boy. Mother and babe are doing fine.
Mrs. Vera Benner has resigned her position in the Surprise Valley Bank and Mrs. Phoebe Mickle succeeds her. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Benner expects to go to the bay cities in a short time.
Mrs Alvina Harris Dead
Mrs. Alvina Harris aged 77, died here last Saturday, death being due to heart disease. For sometime she had been an invalid and a week ago her son brought her over from Long Valley, so that she could be near a physician for treatment. She was at the home of Mrs. Jennie Simson at the time of her death. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her, and was one of those motherly women of the old school. She was born in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and leaves one son, E. L. Crowel, of Long Valley, to whom is extended the sympathy of many friends in his sad bereavement.
May 13, 1925
Dr. J. T. Meredith Passes
Last Thursday morning we received a wire from Los Angeles stating that Dr. J. T. Meredith had passed away at that place the evening before. Dr. Meredith was well known throughout this valley and County as a skillful physician and one who never failed to answer a call no matter from whom or where it came, and many times he went without the hope of a fee, or reward and his hand was ever open to the needy and distressed, and when he left for the balmier climate of Los Angeles in order to prolong his own life, he left behind a host of grateful friends, who sadly miss him. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, Mrs. Laura Meredith of Los Angeles, and two sons, Dr. Thos Meredith, of Alturas and Charles Meredith, who resides somewhere in Washington, to whom is extended the sincere sympathy of many friends. (Jesse T. Meredith)
Wm Herron, for many years a resident of this place, died at Bidwell last Friday. He leaves a wife and three daughters to mourn his loss and to whom the Record tenders sympathy.
J. W. Taylor, of Eagleville, came up to be operated on by Dr. Kennedy last Wednesday and he is now able to be up and around the house. He is minus his appendix, but says he is feeling fine.
In Cedarville, Cal., May 17th, 1925, to the wife of M. Echeverra, a son. The babe was dead when born, and the remains were laid to rest in the Cedarville Cemetery, Monday afternoon.
Card Of Thanks
I desire to express my hearty thanks to the people of Cedarville and vicinity for their kindness and assistance rendered during the recent illness and death of my mother, Mrs. Alvina Harris. E. L. Crowel
John H. Wood, familiarly known as “Hacker” Wood, died at Westwood from pneumonia, on the 6th inst. and his remains were interred at Alturas last Wednesday, under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, of which he was an honored member. His many friends deeply regret to hear of his death and extend sympathy to the bereaved family.
Mrs. Bill Evarts and Miss Elaine Strotts are reported quite ill with the flu this week.
Mrs. Thelma Hays-Gross, of Oakland, and Miss Lila Hays, of Cedarville are visiting her mother, Mrs. Nannie Daniels of Lake City, this week.
May 20, 1925
Miss Elma Adams has been quite ill the past week, but is now improving.
Walter Fisher and wife were over from Westwood last week, visiting Mrs. Fisher’s father, W. T. Garrett, and old time friends, returning home last Saturday.
May 28, 1925
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rinehart returned last week from Reno, where Mrs. Rinehart had an operation performed for eye trouble, and is recovering.
Richard Cook, of Eagleville, died at San Francisco Monday evening and his remains will arrive here this evening for interment. More details of the sad event next week.
Death Of Mrs D Echeverria Mrs. Mariana Echeverria, wife of Donicio Echeverria, and sister of Mrs. Pedro Seminario, passed away at her home here, May 20th, death resulting from pneumonia, caused by the flu. She was of French descent and born in Spain, and was 39 years of age. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her death. She was loved and respected by those who knew her, and the community extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones. Her funeral was conducted from the M. E. Church here last Monday morning, Father Mayer, of Susanville officiating.