Surprise Valley Record for September 1922

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, September 1922

Wednesday September 6, 1922


At Alturas, Cal., at the Baptist Parsonage, September 2, 1922, Miss Ethel Powers, of Eagleville, and Verne Linvide [Linville], of Alturas. The newly weds are highly esteemed young people and the Record, along with a large number of warm friends, tender congratulations to them and wish them unbounded happiness and prosperity as they travel through life.

Miss Elma Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson formerly of this place and a graduate of Surprise Valley Union High School, and has been occupying a position with the red River Lumber Company at Westwood, was married August 28th to Daniel Craig. Her many friends wish the newly wedded couple all the happiness possible.

Last Thursday evening about nine o’clock, Everett R. Wilson, for many years a resident of this valley and vicinity, died after a brief illness, at the age of 81 years. He was a man of exemplary habits and well liked by every one who knew him. He leaves two sons, Charles and Everett, to mourn his death, and the sympathy of their many friends is extended to them in their bereavement.

A. M. Stanley, who played the “devil” role in the record office about eighteen years ago, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Melmoth, arrived here last Saturday, on a visit to the Record family and renewing acquaintances with old time friends. He is Executive Secretary of the Napa County farm Bureau and publisher of a farm magazine at Napa City, and looks as though he was getting three “squares” per day. He is actively interested in farm and Dairy work, and says what we need up here is organization and co-operation to bring about a prosperous condition.

The hills were full of hunters last Sunday, but we understand that many of them were unsuccessful in bagging the deer. However, one automobile came through town with three large buck heads adorning their car, George Wood and Dr. Hunsaker were the lucky ones.

John Christen, of Alturas, came over Sunday to take back his wife and children, who spent the past week on the Smalls’ ranch with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smalls.

Wednesday September 13, 1922

Not A Necessity

The Teachers’ Institute decided last week that Modoc was sick again and needed a nurse and recommended the return of Miss Hester Thomas. Now we believe that Miss Thomas is one of the nicest and best nurses that ever flopped a dos of salts into a persons carcass, and we believe that a fellar ought to have sense enough to know whether he is sick or not without being told by a nurse, and we also further believe that the doctors in Modoc are amply competent to soak us hard enough with their bills without having the additional cost of a nurse tacked on. We were always opposed to these half way measures, and unless each school is supplied with a nurse, a dentist, beauty doctor, dancing teacher, athletic and rest room automobile and an under study for each pupil so that they obtain an education by proxy, we believe we will continue to oppose them. Selah.

Miss Hope Ward, who under went an operation recently, is now able to be around and attend school.

While coming down the mountain yesterday, the tongue in the wagon driven by John Deane broke, overturning it and throwing himself and wife out, breaking Mr. Deane’s arm and bruising his wife somewhat.

W. T. Strief last week sold his ranch near Lake City, consisting of 120 acres to Victor Jacobs for $22,000. We understand that Mr. Strief and family will spend the winter in San Jose, where their daughters, Misses Opal and Odessa will attend the State Normal.

Dr. Bradshaw, one of the pioneer physicians at Bieber, died very suddenly some days ago. We understand that there was some difference of opinion as to the cause of his death, and the Coroner came out from Susanville and had the body exhumed for examination. Whether or not foul play was anticipated we did not learn.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Conrad have moved to town from the Turner Ranch.

Born – At Cedarville, Cal, Sept. 12, 1922, to the wife of Sam Dunn, a daughter.

Charlie Nolan, of Eagleville, who was operated on at Dr. Coates’ Sanitarium last week, is now getting along nicely and will soon be recovered.

George Warrens is building a neat bungalow on his ranch between here and Lake City, which adds greatly to the appearance of his splendid farm.

Wednesday September 20, 1922

Mrs. Charles Terry has leased her ranch to Leonard and George Lake for a period of three years, and left last Monday for Round Mountain, where she will visit her son for a time and later on will go below and spend the winter in the sunny climate.

Miss Ida Heard, Claud Heard, Norman Jones, Wiley Jones and Miss Jennie Foskett were passengers on the Gerlach Auto stage last Thursday morning bound for the sunny south.

Tragedy In Nevada

Last Sunday a shooting affray occurred at Alkali Lake, Nevada, in which Newton Stanley was shot in the arm and he in turn shot A. Yrragui, a Basque, and killed him. Stanley came to Cedarville and gave himself up to the officers, but they would have nothing to do with it, and he then went to Alturas to have an X-ray taken of his arm and placed himself in the hands of the Sheriff. It seems that there has been trouble about the Basques running their sheep on private property and taking the water. It is presumed that Stanley and Yrragui had had an altercation about that, when Yrragui drew an automatic and fired twice at Stanley one of the shots missing and the other entering the hand and plowed its way up the arm making a somewhat serious wound. When the Basque fired the second shot he turned and ran as Stanley fired the bullet from his rifle striking him in the body, killing him. Newton Stanley is known as a quiet and unassuming young man of exemplary habits, and his many friends in that section of the country, where he has resided for the past seven or eight years regret to learn of his trouble. Dr. Kennedy immediately went to the scene of the shooting and found the man dead, and the body was sent to Winnemucca for interment.

C. W. Phillips, formerly of this place but now of Tulare, arrived here this morning.

We regret to learn that Os Ratcliffe, of Lake City became almost blind during the past few weeks, the cause of which is unknown.

Lake City Locals

Lake City, Cal. Sept. 16, 1922

Mr. Fred Murphy, of Eagleville, gave his friends quite a surprise last Saturday evening, when he and Miss Alice Mason, of San Jose, went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Heard at Lake City, where they were married by Elder W. A. Heard. Mr. Murphy is well known in Surprise Valley and liked by everyone and we wish him and his fair bride of the southland much happiness through life.

Misses Ida Heard, Nellie Strief, Leonore Odbert, Odessa and Opal Strief, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Strief and Claude Heard, of this place left last Thursday for San Jose, where they will attend school this winter.

Mrs. Porter Heard and grand daughter, Audrey Hayes left here on the Gerlach stage for Sacramento and other parts of the state on a visit a few years ago.

Miss Rhea Street, who has been at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hill’s all summer came home last week and will stay with Mrs. George Sweeney this winter.

Elder Chauncy Darst was called to Fort Bidwell last week to conduct the funeral of Harve Fox.

Mr. Tel Strief is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Strief but as soon as he has his business affairs settled up will leave for San Jose, where his family has already gone. We are sorry to lose the Striefs from our community but wish them success in their now home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry announce to their friends in Surprise Valley and vicinity the arrival of a baby daughter, August 12, 1922, at the General Hospital, Merritt, B. O.

The trial Claude Coonse, for alleged cattle stealing, will come off in the Superior Court at Alturas on October 2d.

Everett Eachus expects to leave this morning for Reno and will bring back his little daughter, who underwent an eye operation, a couple of weeks ago. Lyle Stimers will accompany him to Reno to undergo medical treatment.

Born – At Washoughal, Washington, September 13, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Meredith, a son. The little fellow will no doubt feel somewhat lonesome, as he has only five brothers and three sisters to amuse him and keep him from “settin’ ‘em up” when things go wrong.

A telegram reached this place Monday evening stating that the rescue miners who have been working so frantically for the past three weeks to gain entrance to the Argonaut mine in Amador County, in which forty-seven miners have been entombed for nineteen days, had broken into the Argonaut mine and had found all the men dead. No further details.

Wednesday September 27, 1922

L. A. Wheeler and Guy Gooch went out deer hunting last week and brought in a big buck; but it’s dollars to doughnuts that they either bought it or stole it from some poor injun. Mr. wheeler has our thanks for a liberal sample.

Died – At Portola, Cal. September 17, 1922, in infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eachus. The remains of the little one was brought here and interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery last Sunday afternoon. The Record extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.

Born – At Lake City, Cal., September 25, 1922, to the wife of Harry Toney, a son

We understand that A. R. Johnstone has purchased the livery business here from John Hoopes.

Mrs. Jennie Simson and daughter, Bernice, departed last week for Kelseyville, Lake County, where they expect to spend the winter.

William Low, who has been spending his vacation with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Gaustad, returned to his home in Oakland last week.

Card of Thanks

We desire to hereby extend our sincere thanks to the people of Fort Bidwell for their kindness and favors rendered at the time of the accident and death of our beloved son and brother, Harve Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Fox and Family

The many friends of Ellis R. Adams will be pleased to hear that he is improving nicely, and it is sincerely to be hoped that he will entirely recover from his illness. He is now in Arizona and everything possible is being done to restore his health.

Harry Cannon and wife arrived home last Sunday after an extended visit in the southland. Mr. Cannon informed us that while below he saw Mr. and Mrs. Neasham at Sacramento and Mrs. Neasham is undergoing Chiropractic treatments and is somewhat improved and confident that she will be able to walk in a sort time.

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