Surprise Valley Record for September 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, September 1925

September 2, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herrin, of Vya, were at Reno last week taking their little son for medical examination, and it was found that the little fellow would recover with out having to undergo an operation.

Mrs. Wm Scott, of Eagleville, will leave for San Francisco this week, accompanied by Miss Olga Taylor, where the former will receive medical treatment, having been quite ill during the past several weeks.

Joseph Parman, who has been spending the summer at Bidwell, was down yesterday for a short time. Joe is one of our most esteemed early day residents and braved the perils of pioneer days and the wiles of the fair sex, thru which he emerged unscathed, and his chief aim in life now is to enjoy himself and keep County Clerk Smith from issuing him a permit to assume the responsibility of footing the bills imposed by matrimonial alliance. Joe’s may friends here were truly pleased to see him.

During recess at a country school the following notice was written on the blackboard; “I am willing to kiss any girl in this school. Your patronage is solicited. Tommy Jones.” The young teacher blushed prettily as she erased the notice and requested tommy to remain after school. Several of his schoolmates feeling the Tommy was in for a “strapping” loitered outside while he was detained by the teacher. After a long wait, he appeared and was immediately besieged with questions as to what happened. “I ain’t tellin’,” said Tommy. All I got to say is, “it pays to advertise.”

Fred Terry, formerly of this place died at Ukiah last week.

Born – At Gerlach, Nev., August 24, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Johnson, a daughter. – Elvira Christine Johnson, weight 7-pounds.

J. R. Wilson departed last week for Lovelock, Nev., where he will visit his daughters, Mrs. H. Misely and Mrs. Wm. Evarts for a time.

Ex-Supervisor Jesse Parman and wife were up from Eagleville last Sunday, visiting.

September 9, 1925

Mrs. Chas Cummins and daughter, Irma returned last Saturday from an extended visit to different places in the southland and report having a splendid time. The news was received here last Sunday of the death of F. B. Caldwell, which occurred at Woodland last Saturday, death being caused by heart trouble. The deceased was a brother-in-law of Chas E. Cummins.

J. R. Wilson returned from Lovelock Monday and his health is somewhat improved.

Mrs. R. G. Adams is able to be around again, after a severe attack of the flu.

Born – At Lake City, Cal., September 5, 1925, to the wife of Chester Fransay, a daughter, weight 10-pounds.

Mrs. J. C. Cathcart arrived here from Palouse, Wash., last week on a visit to her daughters, Mrs. Lew McCulley and Mrs. Earl Boston.

We are informed that C. H. Darst and Mrs. Bertie Jones, both of Lake City, were united in marriage at Reno last Thursday. The record extends congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Heard were here from Ashland last week. They informed us that Horace Hobbs underwent a surgical operation there some days ago and the he was getting along nicely.

September 16, 1925

Jhune Chambers received a message Monday morning, stating Fred Summers had been killed in an auto accident the morning at Fresno and that Mrs. Summers was seriously injured. Both were formerly residents of this place and their friends are grieved to learn of the tragedy. Mrs. Summers is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chambers, of this place.

One of the examples of what a woman can do may be seen in the garden raised by Mrs. Emma Crowley. She has something over an acre of ground and every foot is it raised something. Vegetables of al kinds were grown in profusion and the weeds were noticeable or their absence. Aside from attending to the garden and household duties she raised something over two hundred fine chickens, and last but not least she has one of the prettiest flower gardens in the valley.

Yesterday was an eventful day for Frank Page, of the Hotel Surprise. He purchased a new Hudson coach and last night while driving, along the road a mile or so above town, with Mrs. Pearl Cornell, Miss Theresa Perry and his two daughter, Ethel and Edith and son Francis in the car, his attention was attracted to the back end of the car for a moment and the car ran off the end of a bridge, upsetting and landing on its top. Fortunately, none of the occupants were injured and the machine seemed but little damaged.

Jhune Chambers left Monday evening for Fresno to attend the funeral of Fred Summers and be at the bedside of his sister Mrs. Fred Summers.

Married – At Alturas, Cal., Sept. 10th, 1925, Charles C. Vaughn and Miss Virgie Franklin, of Lake City, Cal. The Record extends congratulations to the newly weds and wish them a happy and prosperous life.

Ben Lange, proprietor of the Sagebrush Bakery at Alturas, was arrested last week for having liquor in his possession. He seems to have been the happy possessor of several pint bottles of the o’be joyful.

September 23, 1925

Auto Struck By Train
From letters received, it seems that the death of Fred Summers was caused by a passenger train crashing into his auto while crossing the track. A freight train had been stopped to allow a passenger train to pass and the train men motioned for the autos to come on, when the engine in the car in front of Fred died and he passed around it just as the passenger train came on, striking the auto and carrying it down the track several hundred feet, killing and badly mangling Fred and breaking three ribs and otherwise badly bruising Mrs. Summers, who, however, is rapidly recovering, and will soon be able to be taken to the home of nearby relatives.

Arrested For Forgery
A gentleman of color was arrested here last week on the complaint of Glenn Hill, charged with forgery, he having drawn a check and forging the latter’s name to it. This the second offense committed by him on the same parties and will probably result in the State taking another boarder for an undetermined number of years, as Hagan has but recently completed a term in the pen for being too handy with the pen.

Born – To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris, near Eagleville, Cal., Sept. 16, 1925, a son

Andy Neasham purchased the McCloud property, north of L. A. Wheeler’s, at the Auction Sale at Alturas last Thursday.

They say that when one has an itchy feeling that they will be sure to receive something. That’s a mistake; it is a sure sign that one has already got it.

Mrs. Irene Hess, who for years has resided near Adin, committed suicide at Chico one day last week. Ill health was the cause of her committing the rash act.

A man named Slim Cooper and Mrs. Lulu Pierce was arrested here last week charged with violating the Mann Act. Both were from Klamath Falls, and are living as man and wife. They were taken to Alturas where they plead guilty, but the case has not yet been disposed of.

John Stewart, one of the old time settlers of this place but now of Arcata, Humboldt Co., accompanied by his son James, arrived here last Thursday on a visit to his son Lee and family and daughter Mrs. Nora Neasham and family and many old time friends.

Married – At Palo Alto, cal., Sept. 6, 1925, John C. Stewart and Miss Mae Wandling both formerly of this place. The young couple are graduates from the S. V. U. H. S. and of the Arcata Normal School, and are teaching in the southern part of the State. Their many friends here extend hearty congratulations and wish them a happy and prosperous voyage thru life.

September 30, 1925

A Narrow Escape F. E. Bush, Pres. of the Modoc Co. Bank, met with a near fatal accident last Sunday evening, in which he had three ribs broken and the bones of his right wrist broken and the hand badly mashed. He had been in the mountains hunting and was riding on the wagon driven by Orrin Atterberry, who was bringing a load of wood down the Deep Creek grade, when one of the horses became frightened and started the wagon out over the grade, when Mr. Bush placed his foot on the side of the wagon bed to be in readiness to jump if the wagon went over the grade but his foot slipped and he fell between the front and hind wheels of the wagon, the brake block striking him and breaking three ribs and also moving his body out of the track of the hind wheel, which probably saved his life, as otherwise the hind wheel would have passed over his body.

However, the hind wheel ran over his right wrist and hand, breaking the bones and mashing the hand. He was brought to his home and Dr. Kennedy was called, and he is doing well at this writing.

Alturas Man Goes Wrong Last week Arthur Pepperdine, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Pepperdine, of Alturas, skipped out, leaving a shortage in the county funds. It seems that he placed the time lock ahead on the big safe to open in 72 hours, before going and later on a letter was received from him stating that he had taken $4700, and there was no use following him, for if the did they would find him dead. There was about fifty thousand in currency in the safe that he could have taken if he so desired. As yet, no trace of him has been discovered. We had been helping his father in the Treasurer’s office and it is thought that he has been on taking a little money from time to time, hoping to replace it. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pepperdine are truly grieved at the action of their son and sympathize with them in their sorrow.

Samuel Harris, a former well known resident of this place, but now residing near Marysville, arrived here several days ago on a visit to his brother, Joseph Harris, and family and was kept busy shaking hands with old time friends.

Bobby, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herrin, was brought in from their home at ’49 Station, seriously ill, being afflicted with kidney trouble from which he has been suffering for more than a year. He is slightly improved at this writing.

Albert Kennedy, brother of Dr. M. R. Kennedy, of this place, and Ellis Morrel, of Lower Lake, and F. Brady, of Davis, arrived here some days ago for a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy, and incidentally to bag a big buck. The two former were old time friends of ours and we were truly pleased to meet them again.

Stewart – Wandling Nuptials Stanford memorial Chapel was the scene of a handsomely appointed wedding, September 8, at 2 o’clock when Miss Mae Wandling, a daughter of Mrs. W. P. Hatfield, of Palo Alto, became the bride of John Clinton Stewart. Rev. C. M. Wise of the First Methodist Church read the marriage vows in the presence of a group of friends and relatives. Delicately and sonorous tone depth were the processional and recessional contributed on their choir pipe organ by Harvey Grove.

The bride, who was gowned in ivory white georgette with silver embellishments, wore a rich tulle veil, and carried Cecil Bruners. She was attended by Miss Lois Campbell, of Stockton, a former housemate at San Jose Teachers College and Mrs. H. L. Wandling, a sister-in-law, as matron of honor.

Miss Campbell wore apricot georgette and Mrs. Wandling pale green georgette. H. F. Wandling, a brother of the bride, attended the groom. Mr. Wandling is a Stanford graduate.

When the wedding party assembled at the altar accompanied by the strains of Wagners Wedding March from Lohengrin, Miss Wandling was formally given away by her mother. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Wandling and Miss Campbell from Pasadena and Stockton, respectively, out of town guests included: Mrs. John Mitchell, of Fresno, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart, of Berkeley, Mrs. E. B. Shaw and Miss Georgia Stebbins, of San Francisco and Miss Charlotte Jones, of Oakland. Following the wedding a buffet luncheon was served at the Hatfield home in Palo Alto after which the newlyweds left for San Francisco on their honeymoon. After the Diamond Jubilee celebration is concluded, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart will drive down to Riverside where Mr. Stewart is identified with the high school in the shop department.

“Grandpa” Mickle has been quite ill during the past week, but is now improving.

Source: Thanks to Billie Reynolds for providing this great information.

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