Biography of George B. Campbell, M. D. of Sacramento

Dr. George B. Campbell, who is engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Sacramento, possesses all the requisite qualities of the successful physician, for, added to his broad and accurate learning concerning the principles of his profession, he has a genial manner and sunshiny, hopeful nature which cannot fail to have its effect upon his patients. His courteous sympathy as well as his professional skill has gained him prestige during the five years of his residence in the capital city.

Dr. Campbell, born in Randolph County, Missouri, in 1861, is a son of Camillus D. and Sarah E. (Bennett) Campbell, both of whom were natives of Randolph County, Missouri, and were descended from ancestry long resident in America. The Campbells resided in Kentucky, the Bennetts in Virginia, and both families, noted for loyalty at the time of the Revolutionary War, sent their sons to the field to fight for liberty. Camillus D. Campbell is still living on the old homestead in Missouri. The Doctor has one sister living—Cora, wife of William Rogers, of Missouri, whose people were from Tennessee and were also of an old colonial family represented in the war for independence.

Upon his father’s farm in Missouri, Dr. Campbell was reared, working in the fields through the summer months. His education was acquired in the public schools of the county and at the age of nineteen years he was married. For two years he then engaged in farming, and later engaged in business as a pharmacist in Cairo, Missouri, there conducting his store until 1889. His work in that direction had awakened his interest in the profession of medicine, and on disposing of his drug store he entered the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, in which he pursued a complete and thorough course and was graduated with the class of 1892, the degree of Doctor of Medicine being conferred upon him at that time.

Dr. Campbell engaged in the practice of medicine for five years in Missouri, and then in 1897 removed to Quincy, Illinois, where he practiced for one year. He then started for California, arriving in January 1899, and he practiced at Stockton until the following November, when he came to Sacramento, where he has since made his home, enjoying a constantly increasing practice. His business has grown very rapidly and has developed in importance as well, and he is now accorded a very desirable position among the physicians of this city, both by reason of the extent of his business and his skill in meeting the complex problems which are continually presented to the medical practitioner.

It was in 1880 that Dr. Campbell was united in marriage to Miss Samantha J. Miller, a daughter of Daniel Miller, one of the pioneer farmers of Macon County, Missouri, and a member of an old Pennsylvania family. To Dr. and Mrs. Campbell has been born a daughter, Enola, now the wife of J. E. Tannehill, a native of California, residing in Sacramento.

Dr. Campbell belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He is the physician for Court Capital, F. of A., also for the Knights of the Royal Arch, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and the Modern Woodmen camp. He is likewise examining physician for the Rathbone Sisters, the Order of Pendo, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles. His political views are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party. Dr. Campbell is an enthusiast concerning the automobile and has one of the best machines in this part of the state. He patronized home industry by having specially built one of the largest and most modern touring cars in California, it being built by the Veach Novelty Works of Sacramento, and he has spent many pleasant hours in riding over the country in this way. His professional duties, however, are his first consideration, and he allows nothing to stand in his way of faithful attendance to those in need of professional aid. His office is equipped with splendid appointments. There are a commodious reception hall and parlor, consultation, operating, electric, and laboratory apartments, each appropriately furnished with its special requirements, and thus every facility which will prove of benefit in his work is at his command. He has made continuous and steady advancement in the line of his profession and the opinion of the public concerning Dr. Campbell both as a physician and citizen is very favorable.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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