Biography of George Woodward Dufficy, M. D. of Sacramento

Among the native sons of California now living in Sacramento is Dr. George Woodward Dufficy, whose birth occurred at Marysville in 1871. He is a representative of old pioneer families of the state, his parents being Michael C. and Edwina (O’Brien) Dufficy. The mother was a native of Dubuque, Iowa, and was brought to California by her parents in 1849, coming across the plains with an ox team after the primitive manner of the times. They traveled for long weeks, but at length safely reached their destination, the family home being established in Marysville. Her father was a physician and engaged in practice in Marysville and Sacramento up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1873. He was one of the first representatives of his profession in this part of the state, and his labors in behalf of his fellow men were of marked value to them, although his practice brought to him many hardships and difficulties incident to the long rides which he was forced to take through a frontier country.

Michael C. Dufficy, the father, was born in Ireland and came with his parents to America in his early boyhood, the family locating first in New Orleans. In the early ’50s they made their way to California, locating in Marysville, where Mr. Dufficy met and married Miss Edwina O’Brien. He was a lawyer by profession, but after coming to the Pacific coast engaged in merchandising in Marysville, conducting his store there from 1854 until 1876. He also conducted the Western Hotel for eight years, afterward was proprietor of the St. Nicholas Hotel and later of the Brooklyn Hotel of San Francisco for two years. He continued in the hotel business until 1886, and in 1890 removed to San Rafael, where he now resides. He has filled the office of justice of the peace.

Dr. Dufficy, the sixth in order of birth in a family of thirteen children, was a student in St. Ignatius College at an early day and was afterward graduated from a grammar school at San Rafael. He later returned to St. Ignatius College in 1889 and was graduated on the completion of a course in pharmacy in the class of 1893. It was his intention, however, to become a physician and surgeon, and to this end he entered the medical department of the University of California, in which he was graduated with the class of 1898. He then came to Sacramento and was for two years resident physician of the Sisters Hospital. On the expiration of that period he engaged in general practice, in which he has continued up to the present time with constantly growing success.

In 1901 Dr. Dufficy was married to Miss Evelyn Rackliffe, a daughter of the late Levi Rackliffe, ex-state treasurer of California. Dr. Dufficy and his wife are widely known in Sacramento and the circle of their friends is continually growing as the circle of their acquaintance is widened. He belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Y. M. I., and in his professional relation is connected with the Sacramento County Medical Society and the California State Medical Society. His political support is given to the Democracy.

Source: Leigh H. Irvine; A History of the New California Its Resources and People, 2 Volumes; New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1903.

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