Surname -U-V- 1922 Watsonville California City Directory

The original manuscript contains an alphabetical list of streets and avenues with all the house numbers arranged in numerical order, followed by the name of the head of the household. We have changed the way this information reads, after all, you are looking for your ancestors name and do not need instructions to get to the residence which is probably no longer in existence.

Last NameFirst NameAddressHouse #Page #
U S Dept of AgriculMain dividing street of city east and west5417
U S LunchMain dividing street of city east and west2697
UnglishJ. F.Kearney w fr 501 Rodriguez404
Unglish Cider and Vinegar WksMenker s fr 145 Second to First 2 blks w of Main129
Unglish Fruit DryerSixth v fr 701 Rodriguez3510
Union Drug CoMain dividing street of city east and west5107
Union Ice CoWall St w fr 401 Main912
Union Stage OfficeMain dividing street of city east and west4387
Universal HotelMain dividing street of city east and west2016
UrenGeoFifth West fr 601 Main1593
UrenJ. R.Kilburn n fr 36 W 5th to Ford 1 blk w of Main185
UrenJ. W.Lake Av East fr 500 Main2215
VacAndrews Court e fr 540 Main121
VacBockius e fr 215 Marchant191
VacBrennan n fr 39 E Lake av 1 blk e of Main402
VacBrennan n fr 39 E Lake av 1 blk e of Main482
VacBrennan n fr 39 E Lake av 1 blk e of Main532
VacBrennan n fr 39 E Lake av 1 blk e of Main582
VacBridge e from 166 Main1492
VacEighth w fr Upper Main242
VacEighth w fr Upper Main312
VacElm e fr 204 Union 3 blks s of E 3d413
VacElm e fr 204 Union 3 blks s of E 3d453
VacFifth East fr 600 Main1183
VacFifth East fr 600 Main2093
VacFifth West fr 601 Main443
VacFifth West fr 601 Main1633
VacFirst w from 201 Main115A3
VacFord w fr 700 Main2553
VacGrant Ave e fr 240 Union bet Maple and Elm514
VacGrant Ave e fr 240 Union bet Maple and Elm524
VacKearney w fr 501 Rodriguez244
VacLake Av East fr 500 Main2065
VacLake Av West fr 501 Main385
VacLake Av West fr 501 Main1415
VacLincoln n fr river to city limits 4 blks e of Main1276
VacLincoln n fr river to city limits 4 blks e of Main5196
VacMadison n fr 327 E Lake av 5 blks e of Main not open bet 1/2 no of 5th and California5566
VacMain dividing street of city east and west1656
VacMain dividing street of city east and west1826
VacMain dividing street of city east and west4647
VacMain dividing street of city east and west639C8
VacMain dividing street of city east and west7488
VacMain North continuation of Main678
VacMenker s fr 145 Second to First 2 blks w of Main27 1/29
VacPalm Ave e fr Brennan 1bld n of Fifth st1089
VacProspect e fr 60 N Main1429
VacRodriguez n fr W Lake 1 blk w of Main4169
VacRodriguez n fr W Lake 1 blk w of Main516B9
VacRodriguez n fr W Lake 1 blk w of Main811 rear9
VacantBrennan n fr 39 E Lake av 1 blk e of Main902
VacantSecond w fr 301 Main11610
VacantSecond w fr 301 Main15410
VacantSecond w fr 301 Main31510
VacantSecond w fr 301 Main42610
VacantSeventh w fr Upper Main610
VacantSixth v fr 701 Rodriguez6410
VacantSudden n fr 210 E Lake av 2 blks e of Main3810
VacantSudden n fr 210 E Lake av 2 blks e of Main35611
VacantThird E fr 400 Main2511
VacantThird E fr 400 Main22311
VacantThird E fr 400 Main41211
VacantUnion s fr 25 E 3d Blk e of Main23611
VacantVan Ness Av (formerly Rodriguez) n fr river to Lake av 1 blk w of Main4111
VacantVan Ness Av (formerly Rodriguez) n fr river to Lake av 1 blk w of Main5011
VacantWall St w fr 401 Main3212
VacantWall St w fr 401 Main13412
VacantWall St w fr 401 Main18712
VailJ. W.Andrews Court e fr 540 Main71
Vail (paints)J. W.Main dividing street of city east and west5407
Valley Battery CoMain dividing street of city east and west5137
Valley Evap CoGrove s fr 119 First st 2 blks w of Main1104
Van DalsemV. F.Palm Ave e fr Brennan 1bld n of Fifth st3139
Vaninetti Bros (bakery)Main dividing street of city east and west2076
VanSickleGeoThird E fr 400 Main13611
Variety BazaarMain dividing street of city east and west2807
VarnellH. S.Center e fr Blackburn bet E 3d and E Lake av302
Varnell Shoe CoMain dividing street of city east and west3217
VelascoAlbtSecond w fr 301 Main22110
VelaszcoHenryVan Ness Av (formerly Rodriguez) n fr river to Lake av 1 blk w of Main11912
VijiloAntoneFifth West fr 601 Main1373
ViolichJohnSecond w fr 301 Main44310
ViscovichKate (Mrs)Wall St w fr 401 Main18512
VissiereJ. P.Wall St w fr 401 Main140F12
VlasichMartinLake Av East fr 500 Main2255
VlasichPeterSecond w fr 301 Main44610
VlastelicaBertSixth v fr 701 Rodriguez5610
VolvodichPeterKearney w fr 501 Rodriguez564
VukasovichM. J.Locust n fr 232 First3236
VukichAntoneBockius e fr 215 Marchant321
VukishLucy (Mrs)First w from 201 Main1013
VyedaA. G.Ford w fr 700 Main3524

Our thanks to Janece Carter Streig for contributing this database.

1922 Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California City Directory

Source: Householders’ Guide of the City of Watsonville, Compiled and Published by Western Directory Co. Local Office: 9 Locust Street, Santa Cruz, Calif.


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