Surprise Valley Record for August 1924

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, August 1924

Wednesday August 6, 1924

Visit Parents
Vern Linville, wife and son, and Mrs. Cockrell were over from Alturas last Sunday visiting Mrs. Linville’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Powers of Eagleville.

Passing Of Harry D. Cook
The sudden death of Harry D. Cook last Wednesday morning was a sad shock to his many friends. He had been around as usual and on Tuesday afternoon helped in the hay field. During the night he however, suffered from a severe pain in the region of the heart and in the shoulder, and in the morning arose as usual, but when called to breakfast, he stated that he did not care for any, and seated himself in a chair from which, a moment later, fell to the floor. He was picked up and placed in his bed, but was evidently dead when placed on the bed.
His remains were laid to rest in the Eagleville cemetery Thursday afternoon, the funeral ceremonies being conducted under the auspices of Surprise Valley Lodge No. 235, F. &A.M. of which he was an esteemed member. Harry Cook was born in Missouri and was about 54 years of age. In 1896, he married to Miss Mattie Hornback, who passed away about five years ago. He was a man well liked by all a good neighbor, a stanch friend and a loving husband and father. He leaves to mourn his loss six children, Lyle, Madge, Fern, Carol, Neal and Elmer and on brother, R. F. Cook, and two sisters, Mrs. Seyton Baker and Mrs. Henry Hughes to whom the record, along with many friends extend heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement.

Another Pioneer Gone
By the passing of Peter Peterson at Santa Ana on July 24th, at the home of his daughter, the ranks of the old pioneers of this valley were still further depleted, and of the first settlers of this valley only a few remain. Mr. Peterson was born in Ohio in 1839, and was over 84 years of age. He, with his wife came to Surprise Valley in 1864 being one of the first settlers in the valley. The name of Peter Peterson will always be associated with the early history of the valley, as it was by such stalwart men as he that the valley was transformed from a salvage wilderness to the beautiful place it now is. He represented Modoc County in the Assembly one term, and always enthusiastic for those things that tended to advance the interests of the county. He was highly esteemed throughout the county and his many friends tender their sympathy to the sadly bereaved ones. He leaves several children to mourn his loss, Mrs. Josephine Brown, Mrs. Emma Cardwell, Mrs. Elizabeth Sargent, Charles, Harry, Edward and Alvaro Peterson.

Dr. Kennedy removed the tonsils of Clyde Gooch last week and he is getting along nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rinehart and Miss Dorothy Rinehart made a visit to Westwood last week.

Miss Edna Finmand had her tonsils removed last Saturday by Dr. Kennedy and is reported to be getting along splendidly.

Wednesday August 13, 1924

Not A Complete Paper

Wednesday August 26, 1924

Joe Franklin one of the pioneer residents of Lakeview, died at Berkeley last week.

Fred Martin Passes
Fred M. Martin, well known throughout the valley and one of our highly esteemed residents, passed away at Fort Bidwell last Monday after an illness of nearly two months. His many friends regret to hear of his death and extend sympathy to the two sons who are left to mourn his death.

Marion Hughes Passes
Marion Hughes, former County clerk and prominently known throughout Modoc, died at Alturas on the 11th inst., after an illness of only four days, death resulting from pneumonia. Marion Hughes was a most exemplary man and was held in the highest esteem by his many friends and who deeply sympathize with his wife and family in their sad affliction. His remains were laid to rest in the Alturas cemetery, the funeral service being conducted under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, of which he was a highly honored member.

Worthy Couple Married
On Sunday evening, august 10th, after church there was a little service at the parsonage, in which two young persons were much interested, Miss Jewel Claire Finley, of Gerlach, became the wife of Ben L. Johnson. The bride was accompanied by her mother and brother and the Rickseckers, guests of the “Manse” were present. The short form of the ring Service was used and the ceremony was delightfully impressive. Many friends join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johnson unbounded happiness and prosperity.

Wednesday August 27, 1924

Death Of Frederick M. Martin Frederick M. Martin died at Fort Bidwell, Cal., Aug. 18, 1924, of typhoid fever and complications, aged 56 years, 5 months and 2 days. He was a native of Newport, Vermont, and came to Surprise Valley at the age of fifteen years.
He was married October 24th, 1894, to Vinnie B. Garrett. To this union was born four children: Merrill M., Uva O., Eldred T., and Joseph F. In 1911, death called his wife, leaving him alone to care for his children, two of whom since passed away; Uva O., who died Jan. 26th, 1921 and Eldred T., Dec. 17, 1921, victims of the flu epidemic. He leaves Merrill M. and Joseph F. of a once happy and prosperous family. Fred, as he was best known to his friends, was a man of sterling character and will be greatly missed in the community where he lived for so long.
Services were held Wednesday, Aug. 20th, at the church, conducted by Rev. Shoemaker. He was laid to rest in the family plot in the Fort Bidwell cemetery under the auspices of W. O. W. Lodge, of which he was a charter member.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the many friends who gave so generously of their time and sympathy during the ten long weeks of the suffering and passing of our father and brother, especially to Dr. Coates, who was untiring in his efforts. Merrill M. Martin Joseph F. Martin W. T. Garrett Mrs. M. L. Fitzgerald Mrs. George Bucher

In Cedarville, Cal., August 17th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Harris, a 10-pound son – Edward Lynn Harris

Mrs. Gladys Wentzell underwent an operation on her arm some days ago by Dr. Kennedy, and was greatly benefited.

Garden of Eden
Well, by gum, they’re now trying to locate the old original Garden of Eden in Nevada. Nevada has gold, silver, copper iron, and gypsum mines as well as hoboes, bootleggers and we see no earthly reason why she shouldn’t have a Garden of Eden or two within her borders.

Mrs Emeline Dodson Dead
Mrs. Emeline Dodson, 89 died Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Wells after an illness lasting several months. Mrs. Dodson was the widow of William Dodson. She was a native of Illinois and had lived in California 64 years and in Selma 32 years. She is survived by four sons and three daughters: F. A., J. N., J. C. Dodson of Selma and L. M. Dodson of Washington, Mrs. George Phillips and Mrs. George Wells of Selma and Mrs. A. B. Hughes of Whittier. Funeral services were held at 4 o’clock at the First Christian Church here, Rev. George F. Tinsley officiated. Burial was in the Selma Cemetery. Byrne and Robinson had charge of the arrangements. She with her husband came to Cedarville in 1864 leaving there in 1892 and coming to Selma. – Selma Irragator.

Last Monday morning Joshua Strief, Lake City, started up his gas engine and while he had his finger over the intake it backfired, ignited the gasoline and badly burned his hand and set his clothes on fire. He came to Cedarville for medical treatment and Dr. Kennedy dressed his injuries and in a few weeks will be able to use his hand again.

Serious Accident
Mrs. Ernest Cloud met with a serious accident one day last week, when her horse ran away with her and she was thrown and her leg was broken between the knee and hip. She is under the care of Dr. Kennedy and is getting along nicely.

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