Surprise Valley Record for August 1923

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, August 1923

Wednesday August 1, 1923

Long Valley Doings

Eunice Kimble celebrated her eleventh birthday Sunday, July 29th, in giving an ice cream and strawberry party. All had a good time with loads of ice cream and strawberries for everyone. Miss Mary Weilmunster, of Lake City was one of the guests.

Brief Mention Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ogle, of Lakeview, were here last Sunday for a short time, and on their return home was accompanied by Mrs. E. C. Coffman, who has been visiting here for sometime.

Harold Miller and wife and little son came over from Westwood last week on a short visit to his mother, Mrs. Jos. Miller, who is quite ill. Harold says that everything is booming at the big lumber town.

William Johnstone, brother of our deceased townsman, T. H. Johnstone, and S. A. Johnstone, is here from Minnesota on a visit. He expresses himself as being highly pleased with Surprise valley.

Supervisor Walter Gibbins was stricken with paralysis one day last week and while his condition is reported somewhat serious it is thought that he will recover. His many friends to hear of his speedy recovery.

The prohibition officers over at Susanville went over to Westwood the other day and captured a bunch of bootleggers and hundreds of gallons of wine. They dumped the wine into Susan River and now all the fishes in the river are dying.

W. H. Craig was arrested at Fandango for bootlegging one day last week and he will be tried before the Federal Court. A lot of liquor and a complete still was found on his premises. Sheriff Sharp and his deputies are to be commended for their efforts to enforce the law.

A letter from Bud Brown informs us that he and his son, Kesner are conducting a meat market at Orland, and that they like the place fine. He says that it is a nice place to live-in, as all the clothes one needs is a suit of B.V.D.’s and a big smile, and as for food, all one has to do is to go out in the orchards and pick it off the trees and vines.

Orvis Decious and family moved into the Atterberry residence last Monday.

Born – At Eagleville, Cal., July 25, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Warren, a daughter

Fred Meyers of Eagleville was reported on the sick list last week, suffering with pleurisy. Dr. Kennedy reports the patient is doing well.

Roy Stanley was bought in from the east last Saturday and is nursing a crippled foot, having cut it badly with an axe. Next time he will know enough to keep from butting in on a woman’s job.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephens expect to leave tomorrow morning for Livermore, where Mr. Stephens will enter the Sanitarium with the hopes of recovering his health. This leaves Judge Hayes a bachelor and he is now looking for a good-looking cook.

Wednesday August 8, 1923

Date For Trial Set Wednesday at 2 o’clock, Claude Coonse, accused of the murder of Frank Gooch was arraigned in the Superior Court before Judge Burroughs and entered a plea of “not guilty.” The date of the trial was then set for Sept. 17th. Coonse was represented by Robinett & Wylie, while District Attorney Laird assisted by Oscar Gibbons, will be representing the people.

Born – In Weed, Cal., Aug. 2, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Tonningsen, a son, Charles Frederick.

Mrs. S. A. Wilson, of Adin is here this week visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Ernest Grove, near Eagleville.

Miss Compo, of Pendleton, Oregon, arrived here recently and will assist her sister, Mrs. Darst, who is conducting the Coffman Hotel.

Orvis Decious and family left for Milford, Lassen County, Saturday. They took Mr. Decious’ mother, who had been visiting here, to her home, at that place.

Married – At Alturas, Cal., Aug. 5, 1923, Miss Edna C. Wentzell to Arthur J. Dunn, both of Cedarville, Cal. The Record extends best wishes for a happy and prosperous future to the newly weds.

Fred Meyers, of Eagleville was brought to Dr. Coates’ Sanitarium last Saturday. Suffering from the after effects of Pleuro-pneumonia. Dr. Kennedy performed a major surgical operation on his and he is now getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances, and is still a very sick man.

Wednesday August 15, 1923

Miss Rachel Brown left recently for a visit to her brother at Palo Alto. His is an ex-soldier and is suffering from tuberculosis, which he contracted while in the army. She will also visit her former home at Santa Cruz.

Silas Flynn, an old-time resident of this valley, died at the hospital at Alturas last week. Si as he was familiarly called was well known here and was 92 years of age. Peace to his ashes.

The Plaindealer reports the death at Oakland last week of Mrs. J. H. Stewart, at the age of 80 years. She was formerly a resident of this place and her many friends regret to hear of her death.

Bert Johnson, who was discharged recently by a jury for bootlegging, has been arrested on Federal warrant and will be taken below for trial. The people are getting tired of the sob sister sentiment and want to see justice done.

The little 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Porter, of Parker Creek, was badly injured some days ago being thrown from a horse. The little fellow has been unconscious most of the time since the accident and his recovery is somewhat uncertain.

Jose Martinez, one of the old time vaqueros and for many years employed by Miller and Lux was in from the East last week, and while he has reached the age of 70 years seems to be as spry as lots of men many years younger.

Wednesday August 29, 1923

From Eagleville

Miss Edith Minto returned to Surprise a few days ago, after having been in San Jose since the first of the year.

Among the late Modockers dwelling in that city are Tel Strief and family, who are enjoying life in the Santa Clara valley.

Mr. Davy Grove, wife and daughter, Miss Willette, left Surprise a few days ago to spend the winter in San Jose. Their many friends regret their departure but hope Mr. Grove’s health will be greatly benefited by the change of climate.

Born – At Alturas, Cal., Aug. 23, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Linville, a son

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Allen fell off a box Monday morning, breaking her arm at the wrist.

In stepping out of his auto one day last week, Dr. Meredith sprained his ankle badly and is now getting around with it in a plaster of Paris cast.

Mrs. Walton Stachle, formerly Miss Alice Stough, of this place, arrived here last week and is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smalls for a short time and will shortly return to her home in Oakland.

Card Of Thanks – We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends who assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved mother. Tom Jefferson Harvey Drew

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