Surname -C- 1948 Directory Alturas California

This is the transcription of the June, 1948 City Directory that belonged to  Mr. Ballard, Modoc County Recorder. This directory includes  Lassen and  Modoc Counties and Sections of Plumas, Shasta and Tehama Counties.  This is only the town of Alturas. All entries are for June 1948.

Last NameFirst NameAddressTelephoneNumberPage #
CaldwellE Er 1137 West ARed6422
CaldwellE WRanch Pit river Valley Line CanbyCall Long Distance2
California Highway PatrolMain5512
California Oregon Power Co TheHydro7-F-232
California Oregon Power Co TheOffice1014 MainMain10212
California State ofDepartment of Employment Claims Office911 MainMain8412
California State ofEmployment Service Office911 MainMain8412
California State ofDivision of HighwaysMain11812
California State ofDivision of HighwaysCanbyLong Distance2
California State ofQuarantine StationLakeview hwy3-F-32
California State Employment Service911 MainMain8412
CampbellGeorgeRanch Jess Valley Line7-F-112
Canby Super ServiceCall Long Distance2
CannonChesterr 1141 ThirdRed3732
CannonD L MrsrBlack13822
CannonFredr N MainBlack13832
CantrallA JJess Valley Line7-F-142
CantrallE W Drr EastBlack21112
CantrallLawrenceRanch Jess Valley Line7-F-22
CantrallWalterRanch Jess Valley Line7-F-212
Cantrall's ConfectioneryMainRed4622
CareyMabel Mrsr 711 RiversideRed12112
CarpenterJ Ar Pt River Valley Line CanbyCall Long Distance2
CarrollLloydr 709 RiversideRed23822
CarterRexr Berry AddRed14412
CaseL Ar 2216 EastMain18022
CeleenTecr RineBlack11112
Central Garage1135 MainRed2722
ChaseJ S Drofc Bank of America bldgMain23012
ChaseJ S DrrMain23022
ChambersBenr Berry AddRed19822
ChapmanT LMainRed12612
CharrierFrankr FirstBlack20722
ChatfieldEthel MrsRed17522
ClarkCrystalThird & FourthBlack8122
ClarkEllar 1638 CourtBlack6512
ClarkEdwin RrRed14132
ClarkFloydThird & WestBlack17542
ClarkFrankr MainRed17922
ClarkJamesr EastBlack5622
ClarkWmNo 6 Vets UnitRed24812
ClinchGlenr SecondBlack1212
ClineGeorge Mrsr EastBlack13412
CloseA Rr 1218 RineBlack24722
Club The1105 MainMain2012
CommonsO Vr ThirdBlack27812
ConklinWilsonr CarlosBlack14132
ConleeEthel Mrsr Griffin AptsBlack25722
ConwellEdward DrBelli bldgBlack10122
ConwellEdward Drr HowardBlack8922
CookC Cranch Canby Line5-F-32
CoppedgeV Pr SecondMain18222
CorneilGeorge Wr EstesBlack27612
Corral The915 MainBlack912
CoxJ Rr 7th & JosephineBlack19422
CoxO G Real EstateMain5412
CraigW H Drr FourthRed25412
CronRobert HrRed17912
Crowder Flat Ranger Station9-F-212
CrudeleAlfred Er 730 ModocRed5832
CulwellCecelia Mrsr McDowell AptsBlack1432
CummingsJohnranch Redding hwy5-F-22
CumminsHomercarpenter contracting ThirdRed17322
CurtisArthur NNo 24 Vets UnitBlack24332
Custodian Veterans Memorial HallMainRed17812

Our thanks to Janece Carter Streig for contributing this database.

1948 Directory, Alturas, Modoc County, California

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